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\\1 4I <br /> V\ <br /> 0 <br /> \U \ <br /> • <br /> ��' 4GT <br /> When the <br /> CHIPS A R EDOWN, <br /> Try Services <br /> Pushed by a cool mainframe-computer market, Control Data Systems, <br /> the other Control Data Corporation spinoff, now applies its computer expertise to <br /> integrating networks and computer services. Will James Ousley be able to <br /> move the company in a new direction while still pleasing shareholders? <br /> B Y • K E V I N R E 1 C H A R D <br /> isiting Control Data Systems Arden because it represents a huge decrease in the and Ceridian],we knew it would be a long <br /> Hills facility is a little like walking number of CDS employees(although it does transition.Like any large undertaking,it's tak- <br /> 1through a ghost town.There's no stream represent a decrease).but that employees are ing us longer than we thought it would."says 7 <br /> sof visitors at the front desk,and a walk actually out in the field,dealing directly with Ousley.with a sigh."If I could do this over <br /> down an extremely long hallway yields few customers.That focus on customer concerns,he again.I would start this It)years ago." <br /> signs of life. It wasn't always this way—at its at the heart of the new Control Data. "When they originally were spun off,the <br /> peak.more than 3.000 employees crammed this The new Control Data still is a work in feeling was that they could make that transi- <br /> facility,industriously plotting the future of corn- progress.however.While the gap is shrinking lion without a lot of pain,and they could turn <br /> pitting;today"less than a third of that number between where Control Data was and where this big ship around."says Clint Morrison"an <br /> work in the huge Arden Hills facility,and by Jim Ousley wants to take the's still analyst with John G.Kinnard and Company of <br /> and large they perform administrative tasks. noticeable—and the time needed to narrow that Minneapolis."The reality has set in:the transi- <br /> The seeming depopulation is a sign of sue- gap has been longer than anyone anticipated. non can't he painless.It's going a little slower <br /> cess,says CDS president James E.Ousley.not -When we made the decision[to split CDS than they thought.and it's time to step up to <br /> • 4G-.- FEBRUARY 1995 TWIN CITIES BUSINESS MONTHLY ' PHOTOGRAPHY BY WARWICK GREEN <br />