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8. Submitting Proposals <br />8.1 Proposals May Be Rejected in Whole or Part <br />The City of Arden Hills reserves the right to: <br />♦ Reject any or all proposals. <br />♦ Reject parts of proposals. <br />♦ Negotiate modifications of proposals submitted. <br />♦ Accept part or all of the proposals on the basis of consideration(s) other than proceeds or cost. <br />♦ Negotiate specific work elements with the preferred Contractor into a contract of lesser or <br />greater expense than described in this RFP or the Respondent's reply. <br />8.2 Respondents May Team with Other Companies <br />It is recognized that some prospective Respondents may wish to subcontract with other companies for <br />processing services. This is allowed as needed, but all such Contractor -subcontractor relationships must <br />be explicitly described in each proposal scenario. The City will contract with only one primary Contractor <br />for the recycling services. <br />Multiple Respondents may team up with other complementary hauling or recycling companies provided <br />there is no collusion. A company may be listed as a part of more than one team as long as this company <br />submits a written certification that no collusion occurred between competing proposals. <br />8.3 Trade Secrets (Include in a Separate Sealed Envelope) <br />Respondent may elect to submit data in a separate sealed envelope with a cover memo requesting that <br />the enclosed data be classified as "nonpublic data' under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. <br />The City will review the data to determine its correct classification. <br />8.4 RFP and Proposal to Become Part of Final Contract <br />The contents of this RFP, the successful proposal, and any written clarifications or modifications to the <br />contents thereof submitted by the successful Respondent and approved by the City in writing shall <br />become part of the contractual obligations and be incorporated by reference into the ensuing Contract. If <br />any provision of the Draft Contract RFP or proposal is in conflict, the Final Contract takes precedence <br />over the RFP, and the RFP takes precedence over the proposal. <br />8.5 References <br />References shall include the name, phone number, and email address of a contact person from at least <br />five cities. Respondents may submit up to 10 references. <br />It is the responsibility of the Respondent to ensure their Notification of Intent and References are received <br />by the City. <br />8.6 How to Submit Proposals <br />Proposal shall be submitted to the Administration Department Office via email to Jen Estling, <br />0estling@cityofardenhills.ora by no later than 4:00 p.m. CDT, Friday, October 11, 2024, with the name of <br />the proposing company in the subject line of the email. <br />Proposals will be treated in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13.591, Subdivision 3 (b), Data Practices <br />Act. <br />RFP for City of Arden Hills Recycling Services . 12 <br />