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Corrugated Cardboard Cardboard material with double wall construction and corrugated <br />(Old Corrugated <br />separation between walls including boxes for delivery and take out <br />Cardboard) <br />pizzas. Does not include cardboard heavily coated in plastic or <br />wax. <br />Contract Price for <br />The amount of money per Residential Dwelling Unit (RDU) or <br />Recyclables Collection <br />Multi -Dwelling Unit (MDU) charged by the Contractor to the City <br />Service <br />per the terms and conditions of this Contract for costs attributable to <br />the base recyclables collection service, including transport of these <br />recyclables to the City -designated recycling center. <br />County Ramsey County, Minnesota <br />Curbside That portion of right-of-way adjacent to paved or traveled City <br />roadways. "Curbside" as used in this Contract shall be interpreted to <br />include alleys. <br />Curbside Collection The collection of recyclables in accordance with this <br />Contract, City ordinances, and City guidelines regulating <br />the placement of the same. <br />Glass Jars and Bottles Glass jars, bottles, and containers (lids/caps and pumps removed) <br />that are primarily used for packing and bottling of food and <br />beverages. <br />Electronic Waste Any discarded consumer electronic device with a circuit board <br />including (but not limited to): televisions, computers, laptops, <br />tablets, computer monitors, peripherals (e.g., keyboard, printer, <br />mouse, etc.), cell phones, PDAs, DVD recorders/players and video <br />cassette recorders/players, and fax machines. <br />HDPE Plastic bottles and non -bottle plastic containers made from <br />high -density polyethylene resin. <br />Holidays New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, <br />Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. <br />Market Any person or company that buys (or charges) for recycling of <br />specified materials and may include, but is not limited to: end - <br />markets, intermediate processors, brokers and other recycling <br />material reclaimers. <br />Materials Recovery A facility in which recyclable materials are processed. The facility <br />Facility (MRF) must conform to all applicable rules, regulations and laws of state, <br />local or other jurisdictions. <br />Multi -Dwelling Units A building or a portion thereof containing five or more dwelling <br />(MDUs) units. <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MN <br />CONTRACT FOR THE COLLECTION OF RESIDENTIAL RECYCLABLE MATERIALS Page 4 <br />