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<br />:::63 <br /> <br />fUJ,IIC ~,',iI~IFA~~E: Dl'. IL<./t }:";Bl::orted t, a meeting'Nas }~':.eld with <br /> <br />residents and the conwittee in regard to the Lakeview Terrace. The <br />reco~nendations were as Given d~riDg the discussion with Mr. Loftsgaarden. <br /> <br />)~\YOHfS REPORT: Mayor' Ashbach reported that Ralph Hunt wishes to be relieved <br />of his Civil Defense Director position. <br /> <br />Council requested Clerk to write to New Brighton Village to congratulate <br />them upon tile ir neVi villaGe hall. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />]'::aJ'or Ashbach appo~:nted 'Horth G. Read, Nil's. Stromquist, and Henry Crepeau <br />to a committee to study the question of liquor licenses. <br /> <br />Upon motion by Hoyt, seconded by stromquist, Gerald Ivetow was appointed <br />to sel've a tiU'ec year term on the Boar'd of Appeals. l'iiot:ion pasi1ed. Clel'k <br />was requested to wl'ite to each me;;lber of the committee, and to send them <br />a copy of tlle Zoniag map and ordinance, and to put a notice in the Rose <br />Tribune of the appointments. <br /> <br />;::8.;:;01' Ashbach reported on a discussion with ;,'Il'. Stepnitz in resard to <br />road completion in the ZilliON plat. Llr. Stepnitz stated tilat at the <br />pI'esent time his finances are not in shape to raise a performance bond, <br />but that he will complete the road early this coming spring. <br /> <br />,,[otion was made by Hoyt, seconded by Yiinfrey that Wayne Delange be appointed <br />Weed Inspector for 1957. Motion passed. <br /> <br />!\layor Ashbach announced a meeting of suburban officials to be held at the <br />Roseville town hall F'ebruary 27, at 8:00 P.;;:. A resolution in regard <br />to An~endillent #2 is to be presented at this meeting. <br /> <br />A letter from the Minnesota Heatieg and Examiniag Board was filed with <br />Clerk files. <br /> <br />!',is.YOl' Ashbach stated that he has [lad requests for annexation of parGs of <br />hounds View to Arden Hills. l;ir. Ashbach stated that he felt t'nat a <br />committee should be appointed to study the mattel' of annexation. After <br />Council discussion, iiIl'. Ashbach was requested by Council to discuss the <br />matter with other suburban ofiicials at the coming meeting of B'ebr''y 27, <br />and to consider the appointment of a committee to study the matter for <br />Arden Hills. <br /> <br />CI3RK'S REPORT: furs. Stromquist moved, Winfrey seconded the motion tt~t <br />tie Justice of the Peace supplies l'equested by Mr'. McEnroe be purchased. <br />Motion pnssed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Stromquist moved, Winfrey seconded the motion that the Hamline Villa <br />plat plans be referred to the Fublic Welfare COi];mitLee for recoli~endationss. <br />"flotion pas sed. <br /> <br />Al'l'OhlT3;Y'S R:GfOl'lT: ",1'. Courtney reported kcat he :md written to I,il'. Stepnitz <br />in regard to the Zilliox plat, and to the Attorney for Mr. Llacziak in regard <br />to a rezone request, but has received no answel' from eithel' party. <br />