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<br />2()7 <br /> <br />~'.LII\TlTBS OF SP~()IAL 1,:!E:L;TIl.iG <br />CO:'Tl'JCIL OF [111ffi VILlAGE OP AF~DLN HILLS <br />londay, April 1, 1957 <br />OP2:N i\'E~I.rli\:G eN REQ,UES1r FOE ANN~7~TION <br /> <br />The meet ing w as ca lled to ordel' at 8 :05 P. M. by 1:1ayor Ashbach. <br />HOLL CALL: Present; Ashbach, De Lange, Viinfrey, stromquist. <br />Absent; Ho:rt. <br /> <br />I::ayox' Ashbach explained that the Council has been presented with a petition <br />reques t ing the annexa tion by Arden Hills of a part of Mounds View Township. <br />. A n;ap of the area up for annexation ViSS displayed and explained by Mayor <br />Ashbach. S'Gatistics quo~ed by the !ila~'or wel'e the al'ea proposed for <br />annexation contains appl'oximately 840 acres, with an approximate 1237 <br />population, with 340 homes and that the area is about 1/3 the size of <br />Arden Hills Village exclusive of the Twin Cities Arsenal. <br /> <br />),,:11. }i~edel'S f~ D.nI tne Ham,s e~T Cotlnt;l As s es S 01' IS offj_c e l'eported ttJ.a t if the <br />area is a:1nexed prior to the middle of June, Arden TIills Village will . <br />receive tile real estate lJl'Opey'ty tax for the area of abocl.t \;5400.00, and <br />if .the al'ea is annexed by l'.iay 1, 1957 we will receive kle pex'sonal propeiPty <br />tax of &bOl'ltii,lCO.OO. :.Ir. ;,Ieders stated tlk'1t we would receive OU1' share, <br />or about 9jO of' tlle be,lance in the l::ounds View 'l'ownship treasury at the time <br />of annexation, and that A1'den Hills can levy taxes for 1958 on the basis of <br />the new total valuation. <br /> <br />li'X'. DeLange, Village Foad COfJ.inissioner, reported tlJat on .a survey ",ade of <br />the al'ea proposed to be annexed, there are two miles of roads all in very <br />good condition vrith one street it: the area as yet not Gompleted. <br /> <br />Er. Ashbach s.tateo. tha'G if the al'ea is annexed trle two cO"r1llunities a1'e <br />geographically suitable for one liille,ge, tl1at t.i';.e proposed new hithway <br />will make a good village boundrey line, that ,;;any of the school ac ti vi ties <br />are the same for both areas, that a 11 of 'Tony Schmidt Park, a county pal'k <br />will be in one villaE'e, that the area socially belongs to J.rden Hills, that <br />all of Lake Johanna will be in Arden lUlls to simplify enforcement of <br />ordinances, and that the Lake J'onanna fire station will be in the village. <br />IiII'. ,.\shbach s ta ted taa t we might reach the 5000 village population by 1960 <br />if that area is annexed so as to be allowed to share in the p:as tax refund <br />of ~5.00 per person. - <br /> <br />.11- <br /> <br />i,Ir. Vic t or '"ebel', A.1'den Hills Police Chief, s ta ted tl1a t if t:le area is <br />annexed we will have two new schools, a public beach and a filling stateion <br />added to the village. Hr. 'Nebel' estil11a'Ged that we would need one to two <br />new village police officers and a squad car if we add the area to the village <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />il1'. Ashbach reported tlllit if the proposed ai'ea is annexed to Arden Hills <br />so that the Lounds View lIip:h School and the Lake Johanna School is located <br />in tile village instead of a -townShip, we would lose some st&te aid for <br />transportation of pupil within the villaf:;e. It would cost us an approximat;e <br />r,;9000 to $10 ,000 additiona 1 for this transporta tien, which cas t would be <br />shared by the entire school district #38. <br /> <br />~uestions were answered fl'Olll residents in l'e{Eard to the proposed annexation. <br />A vote was taken of A1'den Hills residents asking if we 3h01.I,.ld hold 'Ghe <br />requested election. ~he results of the vote were: Yes, 40 votes; No, none. <br />