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<br />278 <br /> <br />,ILl'. 'dolf was informed that drivers of motor bikes should be infor:ned af,ter <br />a first offense t(~t they must have a license and that after second offense <br />they will be taken in for violation of the law if unlicenGsd. <br /> <br />~r. %infrey introduced by title an Ordinance Defining and Frohibiting Crimes <br />Against the Fel'son and Froviding the FunishJIl.lllnt Therefore. <br /> <br />IIIr. Winfrey introduced by title anc1 Ordinance Defining and Prohibiting PetGY <br />Larceny and Providing the Punishment; TClerefore. L.r. './infrey is to see that <br />Attorney and Council members receive copies of the proposed ordinances. <br /> <br />. Clerk was requested to write to I;Iounds View Township officials requesting <br />per'mission for use of Villase our police officers during evening <br />hO_ers 1'01' police cases. and also 'GO request new keys to the hall for Council <br />mem bel'S and officers of Arden Hills. <br /> <br />~Ys. Buetow inquired if anything can be done to prohibit children from <br />playing with glass and allowing it to be broken at the public beaches. <br />I:Ia~Tor Adhbach stated he will check further into getti co nty police <br />protec tion and c onnty control a t the county beach and park at Lake Johanna. <br /> <br />I\ir. Winfrey was requested to see that a oopy of our village boating ordinance <br />is put on bullitin board in the county park. <br /> <br />Upon motion b~' Hoyt, seconded by ';linfrey, a request by NW Bell Te:}..Co. to <br />move a telephone cable on View Ave. and By. 8 was approved. Motion passed. <br /> <br />An application for villae'e police officer by IiIr. Douglas Barthany was filed <br />with Clerk. <br /> <br />A letter from b.r. DeLance, Hoad Corr~llissioner, was read. 111'. DeLange stated <br />he will probably be back here by the first part of Septmeber. and possibly <br />will be home for a week end over the July 4th week end. 1\Iayor Ashbach <br />stated he is willjJlg to continue in charge of roads for the summer with 1,;,1.e <br />cooperation of l~. Kenneth Knos. <br /> <br />EOJ't moved, we consider sorJe means of compensation to li:l'. Ashbach for the <br />work involved. Mayor Ashbach stated he wanted no compensation for the job. <br /> <br />l'lr. Winfrey reported that onr air raid alarm sil'ens apparently are not <br />functioning and he will check into 'Ghe matter. <br /> <br />'rhe meeting was adjourned at 9 :20 P.M. <br /> <br />./ <br />(j{;~Jif), (1-~ <br />EOD:cnT o. ASE:Q!\CH, I\JAYOR <br /> <br />~. ~ [.S1Z;:.~~r <br />O:tlL;\ lFE ..D. STHCl:';'I~U J.. ; CilihK <br /> <br />. <br />