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<br />283 <br /> <br />.::r. ~1_nfrey rei:.asted 1,:~t Glen Feterson turn ~~ Justice of the Feace <br />supplies. ~r. Ashbach to call ~~. Peterson 00 the matter. <br /> <br />Dpon Dotion by ~infrey, seconded <br />.~o,,,rU.:rclla~__e. ~ :nc.nitol' s~Tst;em for <br />-,,::70.00. .::,.CTJ~:Jn ':::\$.8sed. <br /> <br />b" "'tro""" ~,. ,,' ~ .,tAt'''r '''as a"~horizIJA <br />OJ 0 ....l,L-_.;...... _,_ oJ u, ,"' ..J..- '..... i' ~"..... '.. _ ...... .J.l. ........ <br />Jack ~olf's residenoe :or approximately <br /> <br />~?O? ~?ti~n by H~yt, sec~r0ed by ~infrey, Winfrey ~as authorized to !legotiate <br />.tn Tiil,Q LOl",;,nds view o.fflcJ.81s .Cel' -:';~'12 P1J.l'chase of a caT' :radio 1'011 Jack <br />If'. L"o7,i:t.on .:.~:assed. <br /> <br />Upon motion OJ' ;-Ioyt, seccnded by 3tl'omquist, "'infl'e;{ was au.thor~zed to <br />purci'J2se a three clt'aViell filing cE:Jine-G for the police depsJ'.tment. :'Fotion <br />passed. <br /> <br />=\/~1.~. "iinfre;'l s t8. ted he r-.~as ol'de:C'ed s t') tioner~l for the police departr.:lent. <br /> <br />l',la ::/03:' t s ~de pall t : <br />Shorewcod Hills <br /> <br />Ashoacl1 l'epol'ted he ,,1St with I:L'. KraltJDal{ end 'che streots in <br />1 are to be completed. <br /> <br />Ashbach met with StAnley Eiller who ao'eed to complete Jenson Avenu.e within <br />two weeks. <br /> <br />Ashb&.ch l~cpcl'ted t lIe and I,'il". 3a nnis tel' 8,re to !:lG at ;.Ll~Nin Cities Al' se nal <br />officials in regard to sewer ccnnectioDS July 9. <br /> <br />Clel'k's rcpo!'t:. St:rOLiq'J_ist rer'orted ti:19.t salary deductions c.f 6"?; from <br />e;:;ployee [,n:5. 5;; from village for l'ublic 'smployees EeiJil'e~.ent Association -:;il1 <br />be rnade f:ro~n all village ofilce11s starting it! J.~ll:r, 1957. <br /> <br />Lonthl:,' budget x'c:ports y,e.t;e c;iven council Lcmb8rn and treas\;.l'cr. <br /> <br />~he noctirlg was adjcurned at 10:55 P.~. <br /> <br />~~ (~rtU"- <br />::~c:r;l..h.T c. A.s~~E:..;Cll, i"L\YCn-'" <br /> <br />,() (/, . <br />,_..~,',) r;-,',"".',.,.,~.._.,,/ 1., ">c, (: ~_, "., ~ <br />..2tZ);~;~~.,>E';/ . v_::-:~~ ~-~-"cc~_ <br />;,~ 2-TECj",,~".;), ~<_STj Gr;3~'~1\ <br /> <br />. <br />