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<br />the NeYi 21'iS::1-ton I:'anl{ l"landles this t~<;e of' .c~_[]cd1C-lni:: '\~.::'~Jl &..street <br />iHl.!.,;l'o'ver;~ent bend l',.;.nni~(' five ..-er~:ls at ali-:r'oxi~L.9.tely 4 to 4'4 ~~ interest. <br />The Falcon Hei;,l,ts Bank infol'1J:ed us that tLey ",s~lallJ' :,rant a street <br />improvement loan to run two to three year's at 5)~ simple intel'est. <br /> <br />Dr. ;-i!. S. Sekhon was appointed by Council as Public Health Officer. The <br />Council appointed the followinJ to sel've on the Public Health Com;nittee: <br />Dr. ~. S. Sekhon, Chairman, ~TS. Fhylis Olmen, ~~s. Ona Sabine. <br /> <br />Mi'. [,;onroe Kronstedt was appointed by Counc il as Civil Defense Director <br />for tr.e Village. <br /> <br />. A letter from A.dolph !.leyer in recard to \\:oci:kK:g <br />to L. II. ',anfrey's committee. <br /> <br />water level was referred <br /> <br /> AsI,bach recom::nended that Shcl'e7;ood ....rive in the Johanna Narrows plat, <br />a new street not yet a ccepted by the village, be snowplowed for the winter <br />of 1958. t,rr. Delange to attend to the matter. <br /> <br />Cn the :7latter of .the November 1957 claim of Roy Cwen, former 3uilding <br />Inspector, after Council discussion, ',.infrey moved, Delange seconded the <br />motion that Clay Kelly be paid SO~ of ~76.50 from the total *292.50 for <br />his inspection, and that hoy Owne be paid 90% of the I'emainder ~NJt of <br />the ~292.50 for his issuance of buildinG permits and the partial inspection <br />of buildings. ;,lotion passed. <br /> <br />'cpon motion by Delange, seconded by Crepeau, Victor Weber was appointed <br />Foliice Chief for 1958, retroactive to January 1, 1958. Motion passed. <br /> <br />Upon motion by DeLance, seconded by Stromquist, Jerome ';;asielewski and <br />Jack 'nolf 'Nere appointed police officers fa:::' 1958. lcotion passed. <br />\.;."\"D"5 <br />ri:r'."infrey stated he had instructed George'-p" to ';Jork as police officer , <br />fOl' January, 1953 and felt t.nat Lr. SalttI'oS srlOuld be paid for' the months <br />work. Tile matter was I'eferred to Public Safety Comrnittee Chail'.J:an, Mr. <br />Crepeau. <br /> <br />Upon motion by Viinfrey, seconded by DeLanGe, contracts wer.e &warded to the <br />following low bidders for the Grant Avenue project: <br />Ray Sina- Stabilization of road ~4,348.85 <br />;trank Saratori- Storm sewers, (~3 ,462.00 <br />;,lotion passed. <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney was instructed to proceed with condemnation for <br />eas[.lent for storm sewer as :[IlJlXI!ll per resolution passed December 31, 1957. <br />Iv.!'. Car ley's Ie t ter re[arding the projec t was filed with Clerk records. <br /> <br />. ATTCmiJ::Y' S HEPGET: Mr. "ourtney repol'ted that t:"le village carl abolish the <br />office of Constable, and described the legal procedure for so doing. To <br />do so by the next annual election, Council should act on the matter by the <br />August 1958 mee ting. <br /> <br />:,;r. nans prechtel was appointed Assessor for 1958 by tIle "o,,"ncil. <br /> <br />::-pon motion by ','infrey, seconded by DeLange, ;.:argaret Steinkraus was <br />a ppointed to a tiU'ee year term as a member of the coard of Appeals, term <br />beginning January 1, 1958. ~otion passed. <br />