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<br />,... <br /> <br />STAft OF JWID8O'1'A ) <br />) <br />COOJlTY OF JlAMSBY ) SS. <br />) <br />Vt:T.uGE OF ARDB. HILLS ) <br /> <br />I. t:he unden1!iJ1led. "bein9 t:he duly qual1f1ed aM ac:1:in9 <br /> <br />Clerk of the V111&98 of Arden Hills. M1nnelJOta. dO hereby <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />cert1fy that 1 have carefully cOIlIpaX'ed the attac:b$d and fore- <br /> <br />., <br /> <br />901119 extract of lIl1nute. of the f\""jvjj--,--" <br /> <br />Jll8et1Dg" <br /> <br />of the V111&ge Councll of eaidvill&ge held on the J ( day <br /> <br />of C>/~J~ <br /> <br />. 195 . with the or1g1nal thereof on Ule <br /> <br />1n my off1ce. and the .... 1& a full, true and complete traneeript <br /> <br />1naofar as the .... relate to SanUary sewer Improvement HO. 1 <br /> <br />of sa1d v1llage. <br /> <br />WITNESS MY aMI> a& said Clerk and the corporate seal <br /> <br />of the V111&98 thi& .2 'I day of t1:"12/~ <br /> <br />, 1959. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ ._<~-, __--> ~PL-L~~~' .5z~_:,~~.-r i~ " ,..: <br />J.e: __......- __ .' _ - '~cA--., <br />Lorraine Stromqu1st I <br />V111age Clerk of the <br />Villaqe of Arden Hill., M1nneaota <br /> <br />, <br />