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<br />l-n::i.\IT.:iI'ES OF nlGGULA:1 1/i8:sr2Il'-TG <br />GOL-ECIL (JF IS VILLAGE OF Ali.JEiJ HILLS <br />'f".'."'Av '..c'~C-'~',,87''' 2Q 1""" <br />_-..0..,.1..1 ..L., v.'.:..i.... .L.:J:!.,l.u_;~.u. /, _:;I?O <br /> <br /> <br />The meeting T.':aS ct~lled to at :GO p.m. by :'119,YoX' Ashbach. <br /> <br />?oll 0211: :)r.e sent: Ashbach, DeLange, '.i1nfrey, Crepeau. Stronaui st <br /> <br />8.1"'1'1 ved at ,:j: ,~~O. <br /> <br />. The minu1jes of the September 2;, 1958 neeting of the COL\l1cil were reacl by <br />'''in1're'J ~nc' ~~'.)."Ovc~ '-.. '''''l t, "e~ues~ ~r m ".. Tl , ..eo son l' n 1.'em pc' <br />.. ~ .... (:, -L c,~.J~, _. ...;......1. iJ'~) v c..l .... _,-*. '_', v.... 0, ~'..l.. ...~. h. .., "'-- i>2.~ '- <br />to the conmercial nIe.t t',t Co. ::i.oe/5. E ancl ConnellY ~'}as l"'efcrrec1 to the Publi.c <br />,:ielf2;l'e Committee.' . <br /> <br />:.100n motion by 'Jinfrey, seconded by Ashbach, ):11'. Jim Stone vias r;iven ')er- <br />'11ission tc put o. house on Noble l1o, .:itl1 a }O foot setback to conform to <br />t;l~...e one other house c:lren0.y on the s"'cl"'eet, '>;i th the unrJ.erstandinc: thB.t <br />future houses built on the street '.-:rill be stagr;eredb:'cJe tOi-:arc1. Johanna <br />until the 1:0 foot 'C'e0uireo. setback is reached.. '- lbtion Dassecl. <br /> <br />:~r. 2.nd Me's. Fyten 1'Jere reouester' to contact Don Carley in regard to 13 re- <br />GUest for informl3,tion on an uni:noroved street bel,ind two lots owned by <br />them. - <br /> <br />'l~ 'Don~l" Ze'^.m 1 ho<7 C~'- "ven"e re~'ueste" ~ ro~'" i~..'"ovC~ent .1'01' O~'" <br />_.._ .. ,-"" I.-;. .lJ.' 1 _..;" ':._.r:.'-..."1. v., ,..' ',,,"- c.'l. 0,'_'" L' "....!, V 12.. .<. '-"-';')" <br />Avenue. The r.::atter \'tas referreo. tiC 1<[:"'.. DeLange and Engineer Ce.rley.. <br /> <br />I,ll's. .iU'thur 'l:issel inauired about the status of the petition requesting <br />reO?enini~ of the :2-l} alley in Arcten Hills 1. Attorney COlJ.rtney stated he <br />..... ~ , e ,:.: :1 i.l-....' of. t. 't' t t' , 1 "~t ~. 1 ~ Q 1 <br />i.laa. en o..',-ec. nuO lIl1e ~,'lv eX' D.l1C1. ,nn ne P',_n e:{s ana sJ..ree S 0.1 pall.... 2, ~e <br />dedicated for :)ublic use but are not ee_SGmen-cs of the Village. Nr. COLlrtney <br />st[~ted that t:le 2,lle~r can be oDenec_ for :Jublic b~r De-cition, but the <br />Council is not fo;:'ced to open it on petition. Hr. Courtney suggested that <br />Villo.[;e Engineer Check fur"cher cmo. ;)resent cost estimates by the next i:\eet- <br />lng. The matter 1,,':e.8 referrec:, to the Public \\!or}:.s COn1.'TIittee [\.nd l-]r. Carley <br />to check into e9.sement turn [l_rOU_!10.S, etc. before 8 public hearing is set <br />on the m2"tter. <br /> <br />).:on1'oe ;(;:'onstedt, Civil Defense Diroc"Gor for Arc.en Hills, l'eportec that he <br />is ~2king plans to reactivate a civil defense program in the Village. Bis <br />l)lans incluc.e classes in Civil ::;efonse, ml3.ny to be directed by Vic '.Ieper, <br />Police Chief. If at least 35 resicents enroll for the course, the state <br />(--;'overnment 'i;,:ill- reimburse tl"le Village l-::.alf the cost of the 9rogram. <br />Kronste~lt recuested that resic1ents volunteer to help with the program, Q.nd <br />. . ~ . t t q 11 1" Y ~t at " ., 3" 07 <br />l~ ~n eres ec, CB ~ Ar. _~ron~ e , ~e )- ~~ . <br /> <br />!-II'. Ken S')2,r1;:s 8Eain reaue sted vacation of Glemtrc.en Road at 'che pla:;rground <br />2,1'02, in Arden Hills 2. 1,:1'. ::>eLanc:eb Roe.d C0r.1TdssiOner1 stated action on <br />the :;w.tter .~robaiJly '.'!Oule1 be helcI'.oI:" until sprinc'I of -959 due to the roads <br />budg'et. Attorney COL1.l"'tney e/tvi sed CO'..:r.ncil that action to vacate H street <br />must be commen6ed by a netition of a majority of owners abutting on the <br />street, ano P. jle2.r~nc; mue,t be held. <br />