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<br /> - <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, October 13, 1955 <br />pa7e 2 <br />S. J. Krannak recuested Council consideration for Arden HilIs to allow New <br />Brirrhton to e,nnex' LI,O acres of land adjoining Nevi Brighton to enable him to <br />construct twin homes and multiple dwellings there. The Council informed <br />Nr. Kc'anmtk that they c'o not favor releasing the land. Mr. Krannak stated <br />that if Arden Hills could make sewer installation pOSsible he would be <br />willing to install sewers for the area. Mr. Krannak was requested to draw <br />up his proposed plan for the land and submit the plan to Council. <br />. PUBLIC ',[O:'-KS: Mr. DeLange reported that Grant Roael is completed, that <br />Stowe Avenue has been improved, and that Lake Lane requires improvement. <br />He repartee'- that Lake Lane comes to a elead end. so that snowplovls, etc. <br />cannot turn around. The matter of a turn around or an extention of Lake <br />Lane was referred to DeLange. <br />HAYOR I S REPOo. T: Ashbach reported that Crencau <mil himself met with resi- <br />dents of Arden Hills #1 on the matter of the proposed change to the east- <br />west alley in the plat. Engineer Oarley submitted estimated co~ts for <br />,;:xtension of t~le alle~' syraight through of '1, 250 for grading,;l,OOO.OO <br />uo surface the road and ~'lOO.OO for culvert installation. Carley was re- <br />Quested to draw up figures of cost of runninp the alley through the ease- <br />ment property for com~.rison purposes. <br />Hr. Ge.rdener informecl Council that he has not been properly informed of the <br />oroposed che.nges, and since it involves his propaty, he feels he should be <br />invited to attend neighborhood meetings on the matter, and that the group <br />should try to work out the matter in a neighborly manner. <br />Ashbach anil Crepeau vlere reoue steel to meet with tLe resiclent s of the e.rea <br />to ',;ark out the problem. <br />Clerk's Henort: A bill for rent and utilities for Village Hall will be <br />referrec'- by Clerk to Attorney Courtney. <br />Stroffiouist read a letter from Oounty Auc1.itor's affine requestin;r Village <br />t~ Day 1957 taxes on Cummings Lane. Clerk to reauest Mr. SldlCtum to pay <br />the bill as he owned it at thfJ.t time. <br />A petition of l,infield and Lois Hooper on the east-west alley in Arden Hills <br />#l'was filed with Clerk, matter to be given attention with other petition on <br />the same problem from residents of Arden Hills #1. <br />A request for a refund to Arthur Anderson for a fee for building permit 407 <br />waS granted. <br />. The Board of Appeals minutes of their last meeting were presented to <br />Council. <br />Stromouist reported that Dr. Sekhon, Health Officer, reported an open cesspao <br />belonging to Hr. C'i-Eelle was draining directly on Grant Road. The drainfield <br />enilea on Village property and vias disturbed by road eouipment. The matter <br />was referred to DeLange. <br />