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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—AUGUST 19. 2024 9 <br /> Councilmember Monson asked if this is something that should be included in the budget, or not. <br /> Or include a portion with the assumption that we may not actually go after it unless the Met <br /> Council funding is approved. <br /> Mayor Grant stated if something is in the budget, it's not a guaranteed approval. Council can <br /> always delay a project if the funding is not received. <br /> Councilmember Holden said we've always gotten what we asked for. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said the last go-around we did not because it <br /> was very competitive. He thinks the way it was applied for, initially did not account for all the <br /> projects. His final submission included all of the projects,but they weren't identified at the <br /> original application. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated there was no money left over this time? She said in the past they <br /> have called to ask if we want more. Her question is, is there a way to split Glenarden if we don't <br /> receive a certain amount from the Met Council? <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said yes. With lining projects like this, it's <br /> easy to section them out. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau asked when the Met Council grant will go through. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said the program runs through January of <br /> 2026. Then it would be the fall of 2026 if they open up another round. He can reach out to Met <br /> Council and see if he can get a better idea of the number of applications they've received to better <br /> gauge how competitive it will be. He will reach out this week and will forward the response to <br /> Council when he receives it. He noted the actual reimbursement amount was not known until <br /> everyone submitted invoices. <br /> Mayor Grant said that if the City is being charged 9%more, then we have to charge 9%. The <br /> Council could back it off by a percent and make it up next year. He asked if Council is okay with <br /> the 9%. <br /> Councilmember Holden wanted to know what the percentage is for the water. <br /> Finance Director Yang said water fund will be 3%. Surface water is also 3%. <br /> Councilmember Holden calculated that everyone's bill will increase by 15%. <br /> Councilmember Monson asked if the reason for the 3% increase in the other funds is because <br /> that is what has been scheduled, making this a standard increase on water and surface water. The <br /> sanitary sewer is recommended at 9%to cover the Met Council wastewater charge. She clarified <br /> that staff is seeking direction on if the 3% increases should continue, knowing that Met Council <br /> said it will be 4-6% in the future, moving forward. Finance Director Yang confirmed. <br /> Mayor Grant added these increases are based off rates, with the exception of the increases from <br /> Met Council. Finance Director Yang confirmed. <br />