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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—AUGUST 19, 2024 3 <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen replied that the trail plan would continue. <br /> This person would coordinate closely with the consultant. He and Assistant Public Works <br /> Director Miller would still be involved from the technical level. The parks person will have the <br /> visionary enthusiasm to help produce the long-term planning for the trails. <br /> Mayor Grant summarized that the parks and rec position would take a fair amount of the work <br /> off current staff. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen confirmed. He stated they supplement the <br /> parks department, as best they can. There is a quality of service that is lost when staff is spread so <br /> thin across other divisions. The service quality would be improved by adding this position. <br /> Councilmember Fabel pointed out that many cities similar in size have a full-time Parks <br /> Manager position. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen confirmed. The list he provided was not <br /> cherry picked. Most cities have a separate Parks and Public Works departments. <br /> Councilmember Holden wondered if natural resource management would include buckthorn and <br /> evasive species management. She asked how he envisions this position taking on these duties. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said the latest parks maintenance policy was <br /> done in 2010. In that master plan each park is listed with what level of service each park requires. <br /> The person in this position would make sure that policy is followed. This would include working <br /> with Public Works staff to assist in managing issues such as buckthorn or contracting for services, <br /> as required per the parks maintenance policy. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked why rain gardens are listed under the parks. <br /> Public Works Director/City Engineer Swearingen said there is a cross connection between the <br /> basic functions of a rain garden. These are both a parks landscaping feature, as well as a Public <br /> Works storm facility. There are a lot of larger rain gardens within the parks. This position will <br /> lead the maintenance of the rain gardens. The City used to send out flyers and notices to residents <br /> to help guide them on how to maintain the raingardens in their yards. This position will ensure <br /> that program gets built back up and then manage it and get it back on a cycle. <br /> Councilmember Monson understands that Council is asking for a lot of things surrounding <br /> parks. It is time for the community to invest in the parks and natural resources. Having someone <br /> who can be focused and give their attention to those topics in a way that the residents want is an <br /> appropriate ask. The maintenance lead positions are appropriate, too. She thinks the cost for the <br /> consultants may be too much. She thinks it may need to be looked at closer and some of the items <br /> may need to roll to next year. <br /> Councilmember Holden is not against the proposed changes. She keeps hearing about a parks <br /> plan that council wants and she doesn't remember there being any real discussion regarding a <br /> master plan. She knows there have been piecemeal discussions on one or two items. She asked <br /> about the job description. It states, "manages recreation staff program". She would like to see the <br /> current programs enhanced and developed, for example, having a summer program at Arden <br /> Manor. Those kids can't get to Perry Park or Lake Johanna. <br />
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