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<br />r' <br /> <br />~ <br />4*,,'--,>-~-'''!i <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />tJ <br /> <br />i <br />1 <br />f <br />I <br />f <br />r. <br />I <br />I <br />I' <br />I <br />~ <br />f <br />i <br /> <br />I <br />r <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I" <br /> <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Tua l\'flyor then directed tile Clerk to read the dasol'iption <br />01' the eaneMl natu.l:'a, location and estimated cost of Street Impt. li3 <br />and, the u'ea propos\old to be assessed therefor, asstatetl in the pube <br />l1shed notioe of' helU'ing. After readlng of tile notlce,all persens <br />precent welfe afforded Oppol'tunity to be. haard, and the nallles and <br />add1'osses of the persona appflal'lng and hoord byt~e Council and the <br />substance of' the views presented by them, were as fOllows: <br /> <br />Mrs. Allen Dunk!, 1130 Tiller laDe. Inqu1J;ed 1'8 aeSflSSllIeotfh, <br /> <br />Mr.. L. E. starr, 3415 Glena1'den nd wanted to know when work w;luld <br />be startada!tol' bids are let. ' <br /> <br />Dr. C. E. Watz, 1416 Skiles Lane. It' the Ptlople donlt want the <br />inprovementa, can the counoil stilL vote it 1n on Il. foul'-f1:fths <br />vote. Also wanted to know if all o:f the people 1n the affeoted <br />41'ea ehouldn I t vote on. tne 1mprovement rathel' than just those <br />l'ep1'esented at th18 meeting. Further, if the vlllElge pay.& <br />for pll.l't of' the Il,ystem~ doesnlt that mean the people. <br /> <br />l!ll'. DOll ?81'tho, 1200 Ingerson Read. Inquired about s Dturn-a:ttound" <br />.1n thecollfltruotloD of the t'oad. Wented to have 1t elim1mtedo <br />Alao had a question about e.Ilsesllmen~s. <br /> <br />Mr. Lloyd Kolby, 3466 OlenardenRoad. Waoted to know how soon all of <br />the roads would be. oompleted. Alae .had squaatloD about a <br />wallel' problem and whether the storm sewers would take oorEl <br />of it. <br /> <br />Mr. Pbil Pfeilst1oker, 1431 Arden Plaoe. Sa1d he was generally for <br />tl>> project, but. asked what the a1t$roat1ve was to the o"l'oet <br />improvement. . , <br /> <br />Ruth Cadwell, 1386 Skiles lane. Didntt t!:.l1ok thevillar:~ needed e <br />or. '7 ton roads.. Also felt the v1l4ee ow~d them a couple of <br />years street serv1ce. Aleo wanted to knew if they would be <br />fIl8.1'anteed that the .\'oads would be !llS.lotained foV 10 yeal'8 <br />Bnd that they wouldnlt.baveto pay .fOI' l'epairll in l3 or :3 years. <br />Felt she wouldnl t get any more 1'01" her house with IUIGW rC6d <br />than the way 1 t 19 now" <br /> <br />M1'~ Frank Hodgson, 1404 Skiles Felt a new etI'seu would speed <br />up traffic and eaid that thG~i:!."e ln~l!ll'eoted In keov}_oa:;: the <br />1l!'at.f1c down. . <br /> <br />!41',. Allen Euerke, 1130 Tiller !ane. Pelt thGt since l,'a;,ol' Aahbu.oh <br />is an expert OD oonstruction of roal;1s, avet'yone sho:,ld r.ctJept <br />his recommendations. <br /> <br />Mrs. Frank Hodgson, 1404 Skiles Sll1ceSkilas Lana .w111 b~1 <br />closed, 11' the conBt~uotion truoks could be kopt off af their <br />road, they oould ~et along as tPAY we~~. <br /> <br />Mra. Paul. Hel!lser, 1406 W. .Skiles Lane. '1'l....eir liewara I-nve gOnt~ <br />through their baok yards aoo the streets have nevel' ooan tol'O <br />up, end they have goodhal"d 1'014(11'1. \':anted to I-mow c10W tll~Y <br />would be assesseda . <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />, <br />1 <br />I <br />1 <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />~~. Lloyd Kilby, 3466 Gleoa~den Road. C~u~et1o~ 000U~ DC~ sta~Q <br />hlr;,hway going in. <br /> <br />''It'. John M. Sullivan, 1429 Skileo I.ana~ iJcljl.POl:'OU Pl'6l.1iJui; E;.'~X'ei)'!J <br />maintenance cost wl th Blllount of proposed improvement ['elt <br />that cost-wise the proposed proGl'Qlll WIlS mUCh hlcliel' tllB.11 <br />the thatl the present yearly ~:lntenanCle px'ogSJrua. Also felt <br />that if and when water comes iD~'qttJ1rV~~a~~1tP~~'b''b\teu. <br />,^9$JtP.i.y a1ffi1 'e'p\m1Nl~. Qdqtlon of thE! !ltl'aet~ impN;lVe.. <br />meot program aod wanted th.e same lam'! of Stl'<!O'l;;;,) Ga:l.t'ltalned <br />as bad been maintained for the naatseveral yeo,l's" <br /> <br />"....J,i'.. <br /> <br />.V.'_ ._ <br />