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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />J.. ~ "11..\$Igebw;, tv X'Q$01utiWll.~ Qy tl1:W COIltOU al <br />~ 00. l~ -. l\;ptU 25. J900. ~ tile c~ o.t local u.- <br />~ _~ $.I ~ ~'O.~llllOD. 66-1 -. 60-2, ~- <br />t1'V'l!lJ.:y, ~ to.8a'l '-P~~ 'iil'iilh tbe ~ €)f. ~6Ot& <br />~tl, ~.$' I~). ~tJm ~ W:ver/,;1Sed tl:lr b:l,4,$$l4 ~red 1PtO <br />e~ ~:f'0Ji' 1'.1)4 ~ . ~101l ~,$l4 b&'l by :t'$$O- <br /> ~ Augu.'lt 99, 1960, ~ 1;0 ~ Uj)Oa **-fOil! _ X'04,U'1red <br />bllBlr. ~:l0l1 8pG\l!&l 8flM$~ ~ ~t"f:.1~G ~ ~t1ted b1 <br />said 1l'i:\Pl.~s ~ tbe ~ P1"1M1.l*l ~ o.t $4O,91f3.331, fCl" 1lI:iG <br />~ of the cOllt o.t. Ileid ~, ~ 1!lI:le&13~ :QIWO. ~ <lu1y <br />ce1'W'1od to _ ~ Auditor ..m $l'l'! ~ ;In tltlr1 ~ ~V'>1 ~- <br />~ to 1lit e#M'-dl.lp3n tbe tAX 1"9Ull o.t the ~ 1960.~ 196'), p. <br />(,'ted .:/.n tbe ~ive ~ .'f'lJC'$. rttu ~~e.t al ~ Qa~ 1lI"'le <br />~ f'rQll.t:f.w to UtTle ~ld at tbe ~ o.t five :per. ~ (510) per _. <br />All o.t ea:ld lIj.)$Oial ~~s ~ore .coUeoted ~ ~ ~ :!.a <br />llli\il!i~t o.t COllItll o.t said ~'QV~, _ 1t W DOlrl' ~allr.t'y to 'bc:1r:tW <br />tbe ll\I:1.o.t $31,000 ~ tbe ~ o.t ~1tli ~ of ~~, ill <br />emi.e1patia; of 'bbe ~€)f tbe ~in1~ flPIl'(:1.:L U~t!l. .ncods <br />in t.l:Us tn...~ bue bien -"V$'rt:1.l'led.G:ld $Old. at pUbJ.:let'lllJ4, I!lJ'Jl are ~b1 <br />8Ilthclrim<tdtllOd ~ 1;0 be iaSll4ld ~ delivered to the. ~ I'll fIt:- <br />~ n'th the ~-t. o.t c;e.,l.e I,!nd the ~ ~:1anll oJ: 'tb.1$ ~ <br />l.ul:.k'ln. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />a. ~ 18 ~~. alld tbIn'e a?all be ~ 113 tJl.e <br />V~1i> ~ (8l tM Qff:1cla."\. l.lOdlts. and. ~ o.t the. V~. GO J.cq <br />~ erw o.t ~ ~:!.a t!llv.~1~-.a Cl" olilIfaT ~ ~ b(md$ <br />-..u bit~, Q ~ ~ ~!&l &1lbt~1Ol:l. tuAd to be <br />qss.~ ae tile "S~ ~~ ~ $i"ltIJ'lIlt ~". k ~ I'll <br />1l4i.d. ~ ~ be beld SII.d 1,1.~1. CI1ly 1'W tba ~ o.t tbe ~1PliJ. .. <br />~t al _ ~ ~:l.n ~1li1ed cd. al _ ~. ~~ :m 1'Ut,ure <br />1;0 ~e ~ ~ iIUlti~ ~ 1;,:; .aaid ~ l~ MIl <br />aei#o ~.i ~ Cld ,~~, liItl .llUCh ~# becaae <br />dUe, Qr to '['!e."" m!d ~ I'lUd.l bl:Iodss 'II'heD and Q/.l ~ ~v~ 04'e~ <br />~~ tQ theh- ~. ~ lIi1d t)L':lzlC::l.pa1, it 1Jri{f, bec~ dUl\l (:In <br />~ ba.1ds prior to tM c~fltiOl1 and ~ of f;.b,e, CQGt of: i;;.~ ~ <br />for wb1ch thi':y ~ islmtld ~ be pIUd ~ tbe t;nD:lsfer ot ~ ~ tbe <br />t'UrJd of ~h ~ to llUid S1rll'1ug PuI:ld. A;f'ter ~ of 'tM cost <br />of l!Jt13 swb .'O~, tlJe i"l:lod ~ t$l!lll bed:l.J3~~ mi au <br />$Ub~ c~:!.clM o.f ~s etIl a&ses~$ J.tW1ed 1U ~~ tbllU'eOt <br />alm.U 'be );e1d 00 received :i.nt.O said. $~nld!'lg 1l:D:L . f'\ultli; at st:till :1m- <br />~e NQ. 60-1. ou1 No. Qo..:2 l/lre hareb:r ~i""1@<i., a;M. fill. ~~"i~ <br />13peei&\ ~~f.l coU~~ fer sa1ft ~~t.e .a;te ~ ~ <br />'to a&d S:t,!!Jt",,€ li\lpd. <br />3. . ~ ~ e()'lf!!>l'\~'" and ~ tblI;t 11' ... of lNIili <br /> M:wt~ ~ tlhOlud be ~ $1;1 t~ brald. 1im\11d.. fJ.Qe W ., fl1"1'Ol:, <br /><W'eet or ~~t'1 m I1I#J' l!IGtiOn or ~ ~ or to be ~ ;I,n <br />tbl: ~1t.,~ ~ or in the ~e o.t IllliY iXIlld1~ ~ ~, <br />~ V~ wid t.h1u ~1l vUl ~t4 doll.U lNIili ~ ~ .lllld <br />take Qll I'll1tlh ~ ~ fWl l1Jq be ~ by l$f W -- ~ <br />u,'l$iSl!;$:lOOta va1;I.d fIl:li!.. ~ liens \q)Qll. the J}l.'Qt=t>t;j <m ~\ 1;ba. lI8llIi <br />~ 1JrilaiO.~' It u; ~~ ~ eaid S,Pee:!.l;ll. .~1lLmeJ':ltt'l1l1ll be <br />reee;i.ved in 'tl>> ~ _ in ..~ .6\:l.o.~~ 'to ~. 11''- ~ <br />tia.'lJ,y ~ tl1rlQ N.'Ye per <<StI; (;rp) in. ~:.ll:l$CIl at tbf! .~.1<yJ pl;':1nCipll'" <br />~1; ~ ~ on ~ ~.~ fIlltillOri.. ~,UP ~ <br />is levied:tn ~ reeOlu'.;ia:l. ffJ):' t.he ~ ot ~~. ~. the <br />fuU faith ~ ~t .ot the V~ :l.l'l .~ tor ~ ~ fI$'l fUll <br />~ 0'1.' aU. ]JrinOi:pe.l m'}(j ~~nt 'Wbelil due On &a:O'[ I;iO:'J(l.s IJl.1d on a.U <br />~t;l.ooaJ. baillia ~"l;@ '1",1,. ~Wil(!: ~ $u:W. ~1nl~i~ F'Clilli. -. :U: m. <br />~ 1;_ 'tM n~ in ~ 1'l.1Pd .~ be 1nmUf1'ie~ ~or, tl1e Coutl- <br />e11 sl.l&U ~ eufi'1c1t!nt ~ for ~ ~ ~ aP.7 ot!:lifIr :t'Ul:ld& <br />:In the ~ ot tI:ltll vm~. .auch ~ tJ1IlIIV ~ ~~.f\"oll the :J;lI."O-- <br />ceed!J Of ~~ ~$ $ld ~e ~,*,;I.sbed to the. S'lN\;1~ i'lIJld, <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />~3- <br />