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<br />.... <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />the provisiOl.1S or l-!1ml.esota $'t.$.tutes,. Chapter 42t), U "Scm1~ <br />Sewer ~t lfo. 4", cOWIiSiililg of the It!,Ylng of e. sWter;y sewer ~ <br />tam CCll!POSed. 01' trunka and J.aterlals, lii"t stat1aus and force ma1ns, v1tIl <br />coW1eotiorul to the sau1ta:ry sewer $tem of the Village of ltosev:Ule, 8e1:'I1- <br />ins the a.rea l1rOPOSed. to be a.llaessed t.heret'or as described !J1 sa.14. resolu.- <br />tion. ContrlilCts hlwe been duly ltlUU"ded to tIle lowest respansfble bidders, <br />af'Im' ~1BelllJ!l1rt. :f'or co.m;petit1ve bids ill the -,."."'''' p:tescnbedby lali, <br />for the CaD.:rtruction of a :portlon of said intpravemellt.. !l.'.be total. coot of <br />the irop:l:-ovement is preseIItly est.1ma;ted st$1~,ooo, inc1W'ling cOl:I:trae'ts <br />for COZllltruction l5I.Ud. aU othel." e;x;pell.'lC1i ll$!cesi'lm'Uy incurred and 'to be <br />inc~ :t'r'oJ:\ the !J1ce:ptlon t.o the completion of the impI..:>v-snt. It is <br />necen~ at tIlis time :for the VUlage to bo:t""L'OW' t.he 8= of $1100,000 to <br />J1I!1K such costo, by the i$$Ua:'lce of general obl:lgat.1on ~ bonds <br />l'\.ll'suuntto said Cb,apter 4a9. l3au.<lG ill this a;1lQUI1t bave been adverl:tsed <br />o;nd Bold a.t pWil.1c sa:l.e, and. it j.s lWCesstu"y 1;0 ~~1sh a. f'lJI3d for the <br />cans'truct;ton of said ~~ .and to Fovi.(le for tho. ~ of said <br />bOOds, and of lmy adil.1tionaJ.. bondanecesao.ry to be lsl3'l:lOd t.o f'iJwlce the <br />canJ?1et;ton of the impravelllfw:t, out; of the Ssui~ Sewer :tmprovement lland <br />S:I.nk.1Dg Fund bereto:t"ore cre~, and to prellCrlbe the faun and tetmS of <br />tile bol:J.ds, all in /iCcordancew-lth I34id Chapter 4a9 ond With M:i.lmeSO'ta <br />statutes, Section 415.61., and the eon'\;l"aCt entered :l.D:to nth the bood. <br />IJUrchaaer . <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2. '!here if> hereby created, a.ud the Village ~ shall <br />herea.f'ter,n on the books aDd records of the V~, a sepcl.'ate <br />and slJecial :t'l.lIld das:lgnt.rted <1$ 'l;1).e "San11;a,r1J Sewer Iw.1u"-Neroent lto. 4 Fund", <br />to 'Which 1''.lM there she.l1 be credited the ent1repl'OCeeds 01: the sale of <br />the :lrJ1Provament b9llils herein authol-i~, end from -which there shall be <br />paid all expellnes ~ and to be incUrred in the ,""king of Sani~ <br />Sewer h:.<prO'll'em;mt No.4, f'l'om the to the comJ?1etion 'l'.bercof, ~ <br />such expenses al"'e 11'lc\l1'l'Eldandallo;rad.. Said. fund 8ha1l con'\;::!.l:l.1:1e to be <br />maintained v.o4 llhaU be credited with the proceedo of 0JJy bo11il8 BUb~tly <br />1sGUed for the financ:l.rlg 01' B$id :lJl(prcr.rement '\.U1:til the cost thereof is paid <br />ill t'u.ll, il'lCluding all :interest to QCcrue end eU Vr:l.nC:1:p!tl if ~, which <br />sheJ.l becCll!le d1.l!;! on such 'bopdz prior to the completion e.nd lilCee~e of <br />said :lm~t. Said:t\.ln.d shall a.lJJo be cTedited 14th all co.l1e<lt:l.onLl <br />of the special Bt:$esllmetXts to be levied st: herein 1'I'ovided, 1'I'ior to the <br />cClllpletioo of $a1d ilr.!provement .Qlld 'l:Jl.e . p.!I;ylllellt of the coat.. thereof. There:.. <br />e.f'ter, .said ~ fund shall be discont.in1.led. The'1"1g11t is reserved, <br />if .'Im;f balancsof the prOCeeds of i>a1d bonds Iilhould. 'tllen rellll!till therein, <br />to trallllfer the same to the :f'I.tt1d of ~ other sar1i1;a;ry sewer ~ <br />subcequ.e!It1:y :L\'lStitu,ted pursuant 1;0 said Cblt;pt;e'1" 429; but all ~ XlOt <br />so tranaferred, and all Eluboeqwmt colleet:tclnG of P/ aas6ssmen:ts, ilhell <br />be pEdd a.a received into the Sinking J\md descr;!.bed be).(lIf. <br /> <br />3. The Village IUl5 1.'.Y' resOlution adOpted ~ 3, 1959, <br />created. and agre<;ld tQ m&J.nta.il1 Ew e. se~e :t\ttld.~ its books end <br />records $. S9.niter;y sever Irn:provement BoIld S:I.nk.1Dg Fund, to be used sole:t;y <br />fOr the ~nt of the 1'I'ioo1paJ. and intererrt on 1J<n:ld$J issued to :f':\.wl.IlCe <br />ssnital'y sewer ~a under the l]1"O\'":l.sioJ:lG of s&1d ~ 429. '!'he <br />bondo herem $tthoriU!d !We hereby o'l."lierQd a.n.i dU'ected to be pa1d. Ottt of <br />said. fund. on ape.rity a.a to both. j;Il":l.nCipaJ. and mi:;CreBt with ttwse hereto- <br />tore iS$Uf)d and made ~ from iW,d i'U.Od, and eacl1 .end all of .tJle pro.- <br />v1$iooa of resolution of Nov'etlher 3, 1959, w;1:th reference to the <br />administntt10n of $lil.1d 1\m.d and the leV'.1 of taxell at\d spec1a.l aaseasmeIXta <br />end the~e of net. seve)." for its support are bereb:r confirmed <br />and.'ed U> be COV'ellen:tr; a.nd. agreeJOOtl1;s of the VilJ.ege of Arden Hilla <br />for the G~=ity of the bon>w b.eI."'..dn aJ...>thori$ed.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />4. It:ts contemplated tha.t the S];lElci8llilSsea~a to be levied <br />1:q.'lOn the area.z asoossabJ.e with respect toSanit~ Sewr Imp~ No. 4- <br />'ITiU be in the pr:l.nCi:pal amount of ll.Ill~ ~.400,ooo, a:n4 naid asseas- <br />ll1@i;s shall be levied upotl s\wh properlie$ in llIllf)Unta 1'I'crpo:rt.i~e to.8Jld <br />nal; exeeedil18 the special benefits .to be derived by the reapective proper- <br />ties i'ran said 1Inprovement;. The Village hereby covenanta and earees tl1at <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />-.3"" <br />