<br /> . , .
<br /> , . '.
<br /> , , ' ,
<br /> ,
<br /> -A 4,. It ill eontlilfnplD.tcd that the $f.eoill.l aHtllllllll~mts to 'be levted
<br /> -.... up<ll:l 'tl:~ ~ tls!loosable v.tttJ respect to Sani;tary sewer 1::nPl"OVemertt 110, 3
<br /> '\Jill 1,><; 1'; the pr1neipa.l ~"t Qf api'rox1ma~ $ ~85, 000 , and said
<br /> a~ :'lball be l~ Uj;>Oil such I,l:':),;,\erties in atlO\Wto p~ionate
<br /> to a.,xl not e:tc"dlng the er>Ge:l.al OellefitfJ to be iler1ve4 b".f 'the ~Clthe
<br /> prot"'.el"t7,e:il t't'OOl said 1nlp~nt. 'l'he VllJ.eee herebY e~'~ lUld agrees
<br /> that; U:"fG ( Ctl.' pdor to the ~)let1Ol'l of said 1mP~l'lt, l;t v:l.11 do and
<br /> f""rt't);1;; all aets and things ~sar.Yt'or the t1nal a..'1d valid JNvy C1f said:
<br /> erec:lJl.l asaea_nta. tbat if _ aSI:l!aa8lOOOut shall be at ~ t:l.lllO held. in-
<br /> 'lB3:10, cliw to any error, defect or lJ:'l:'egular1t;y in ~ act:l.cm or proeeed11l3
<br /> take" OJ!' to be taken '.)y the VU1~ or by this CO\Illeil OP? b;i' &.lq of the \1'11-
<br /> ls",e's ",,:;'J;:':l.oors or enr,i>lo;yoo1lJ e:l;thel:" in the makln,o; or llIueb aaseaaoont8or in
<br /> t.b.e fit.,,");'Ql:':;m)ee or any, eoM1tiOl1 p:'1'eCedent thereto, the V:U.:l.age &.lid th1a
<br /> CQ'mi!~1 '11m :'orthwi th do .u. suoh further ae'ts and ~ fd1. eueb further
<br /> proceY~ as '!:'4If be ~N)J by law to !Cal_€! uid .YOlIl~ a 'WIlla end
<br /> biIYlit'.c, },:\,w uJ..:m said propet"t;y'J that said. Ulleli_llt. obfl.U be ;~bl'" in
<br /> tW$nt;), (20) GQ,uaJ., amseeut1Vl3, It.llmltU 1nstaJ.1llIentfl, toM f'l'l'at of 1lIl.1d In-
<br /> sta.1:lJ;..~S) 'Ilo he placed. on the. tax rolls of t.bay-.r 1961t co11$Ctible in
<br /> the ~l;l,~1ng yeEt.r, and tbti1,'G deferred inG~ of aQid ~ts
<br /> sMll*r :1ntGreet at the ,'O.te of five pel' eent (~) ~r a,1lnUlI. Tl) the
<br /> t'1I'l!1't i~1ment shaU be ~ int.erest on the entlr'll aooes_nt trom
<br /> the ate C!f the resOlution lev"J1:'lg the INIII1liI to~.ber 3J. or t.lle :YMr in
<br /> which tbo first 1natalll!ltmt it: tJI').Yllble. '1'Q eocll 8UP$eql*rt, ~I1t
<br /> when d~ sllilJ.l be add1ld in"'...e~ tor one yelI;l' on all unva:1<l installMents.
<br /> It :W t;,,"ilti.".Bted that Mid il'v.rtallments of l;1"lnd:raland 1rt".,e,;eat wID be
<br /> . re00l'1~ in tbe yeat'S a'l'1 b ~ tmt'tiowl1t to produO<;! tlums aubstan-
<br /> tl&ll,y maro than five roeI' (\el1t (~) in excees of tile ~ ~"ine1,pal and
<br /> il1~ll PIl.}'ll'ltmta due on the bOndis hetetofQnlIflQld 8lld p~ to be
<br /> iSG.ue<l.. 'lbe right .18 reserl&1. hov1ltver, to pX'OvL'le for the PIJ.YllJ(:IlJt of a
<br /> VOt'ti(X, of the <lost of said 1lllp1:'ov~I3ent by too :levy C1f ad 'ftl.lOl'Elln taxes
<br /> upon a.u ti.llclr&hle properVJ '1': thin the vn~, in lieU of' too :lerr,i' of' ate
<br /> cil'.J. ~n'tsJ and ill au-eh event the Village llO'~. aDd agrees that
<br /> t.lw rr.<<1al lill!lSeIlSm&ntlJ viU in any ease be lev1ed in 4l!ll:Il.ll'\t sui'f'iclent
<br /> to P'iIIY nqt leas than t~renty 1)3'1' cent (20ji;) of the coat of t.1'.e lli7p!'OY'ement..
<br /> and ~ 'tc.l'JO teuln 11'111 be levied tor the yearn and in ~s such IUl to
<br /> p~, tosether with the collecticms of the $f-eaW ~9l1'mxto, and of'
<br /> the ,'<llt ~ ~OO appl'O",>nated to the Sinld,ng Fund. b;i' ~<l. res()J.utiol\
<br /> of !bV\:'I!J1Jel~ 3. 1959, lIl\llII8 sUX1'1e1ent to T,GY the yrtnlli~ l'Mld interest when
<br /> due Qc! aU f.>O\^~~a :1l!ll11ued witb respect to the 1mp~t, &'ld to l)l'OII'id,e the
<br /> fiv~i ,,;e,' cent (SJli) exaeas required by MitIJ.'<l'3Ota Statutes, ~cti(m 475.61.
<br /> HOW'.'et> tile full faith aM cred.i t of' t.hG Villa.ge lIhf1ll be and ere beI'eby
<br /> i~ .pledged for the JFI'<IIlPt arid full ~t of the j;r1neipal of
<br /> and inWnllSt on .n bonds isGUed with reSpect to San1t/u'y !JeWr Improve
<br /> !!lent Do. 3. aM for the levy arid eolleetiOl) of an;y lIdd1til'.'aitU ~ reCj.\llr<<1
<br /> for Q'.\ch );I'!.U'P08e> ill acC01'(i!4!Q0 v1tb the :prodrd,OlII1 of oatd Ntlo.lut1on of
<br /> ~;li:>ej(' 3. 1959.
<br /> ;. !"or the pul',llOGeof r-eying tl1.e eoot of _ill i;.\~oemellt, and
<br /> 1uc.;ot1c:l.J.ation .of the ~:l.on of said llpeeial aaa~t$, tluelll end
<br /> net ~' t'\\IVelluetl, t.M V1~ shall forthwith illllloo U$ 'li.li?,Otiable ~rW.
<br /> obl:i.t~tioo bOi1da to lle dl!l8ilP'*t.ed as sanitary Sewer Imp~t :!\Qnde, Ser-
<br /> =- ieEI C, :in 'tihe aggre8llt.c pr1oo~ al!lOl:mt of $685,000, dAt.ad U 0.1: rJe~bet
<br /> 1, 1 ')SO . !la1d bol'1<lII f!Iba11ba '.' 5 :1 n l'tUIliber Mil nUlllbe:md i';'Q!l 1 to G!35, 111."
<br /> e1tlsi~. Ga'.'Jb in the dellill'lT1.t1$t1on of' $1,000. 9.00. lIhr1J.l illl/I.t1:l:itle l!iIlOrlally in
<br /> tM WJlI::m,t Of ;-8;,OC{) on ~(!.~r 1, 1961, and ~30,000 on Decel1lber 1 in ooclt
<br /> of tl1e :yaex't': 1:;62 thrOuI!lb 1~. Bonde l'Il.lIIlbered 1 ~ )05 sball be pIlY
<br /> able m ~ir respective llteilOd maturity datee without .o1'tioo at lir1cr pay.
<br /> r,_t, !'nlt those numbered 38G tbrough 685 shall be e&llh l;lul;1J<"!Ct t.o rooemvtiOl:
<br /> M<1.r~'''fa:;me7.;t at the option .or t'^~ 1fillsge on tlecemhCl" 1, ;;.g65. and nay 1:.,
<br /> t".L'w~ j,Ai::'''''''.~ dClw thex~i;;;,;~', 1ll1; a .,t'14e or .)Ill:" El)li IaCC1~ interest plUG
<br /> ..4-
<br /> =,.
<br />