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<br /> , <br /> WHEREAS, since that date a numbm,: of parcels of property <br /> contained within said assessment roll as amended have been <br /> divided and conveyed by previous property owners; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County Auditor of Ramsey County requires that <br /> apportionment of the original assessment against each original <br /> tract where it has later been divided, sold or conveyed, be <br /> . made by the Village Council of the village of Arden Hills in <br /> order that the proper assessment can be extended by the county <br /> Auditor against each parcel of property thereafter, commencing <br /> with an assessment to be collected in the year 1963 and there- <br /> after. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the Village Couneil of the Village of Arden <br /> Hills does hereby make the following apportionment of original <br /> assessments as contained in said assessment roll of October 12, <br /> 1961, and as amended as of July 16, 1962 against the following <br /> described properties: <br /> original Assessment: A) Ex S 500 ft of N 1297.1 ft $8,340.00 <br /> of W 435.6 ft of E 525.6 ft; <br /> Division 33816 part, Nly of Ry R/W of E 1/2 <br /> of SE 1/4 (subj to Hwy & Rds) <br /> in Sec 27, T 30, R 23. <br /> Apportionment: 1) Ex S 500 ft of N 1297.1 ft 7,830.00 <br /> of W 435.6 ft of E 525.6 ft <br /> & ex beg at SW cor of sd ex- <br /> cepted tract; th N on W line <br /> thereof 404.76 ft; th W 430.33 <br /> ft; th S 00 02' 40" W 404.76 <br /> ft; th E 430.64 ft MOL to beg; <br /> part, Nly of RR R/W, of E~ of <br /> SE 1/4 (subj to Hwy & Rds) in <br /> Sec 27, T 30, R 23. <br /> . 2) Com on E line of & 1297.1 510.00 <br /> ft S from NE cor of SE 1/4; th <br /> W 525.6 ft for beg; th N 404.76 <br /> ft; th W 430.33 ft; th S 00 02' <br /> 40" W 404.76; th E 430.64 ft to <br /> beg, in SE 1/4 of Sec 27, T 30, <br /> R 23. <br />