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<br /> . - <br /> - <br /> COpy COpy COpy <br /> September' ,17. 1964 <br /> Mayor D. F.KennedY <br /> Arden Hilla Couneil <br /> 1450 West Hicbway #96 <br /> St. Paul, MinnopSn 55112 <br /> Honorable Mayor Rlu! Members o~ Councill <br /> The Planitil'lg C<>mmis.:ion re-col1llllenQtII that you approve the plans <br /> . Dr Mr. CDlestock 88 submittedSeptomber 15. 196/J, 1'01" hie <br /> prop.I.ty mea"'uring 2.5-0 x 4'.5-.6 ft.. bounded by Lexingt(.nAve., <br /> the propoee;! (h'IlY Fox Road. Rnd by Rob.u.t.. Constn,ction Company <br /> propel-tV. These plnns tv,) building.. .,..hieb ore to line up <br /> with and c', r,)rm in dtHI\llgn with the exi..ting Dynl'l.cEI...t b~IJil.dii1g. <br /> Approval 5hnuld be subject to th., eW1tet"1!l agreement to (1) euboo <br /> lIlit Ii> coulplet. development 1:Qr the property he awns 1_ed... <br /> iately to the nQrtb and (2) to agree to perm. it the ..rvice rQadd <br /> at th. east.ide Qf" the existins Dynacllst to beu.ed by <br /> any and all traf"fic l!Iervic~ tbe l~nd from Dynacaet to. Red Fox <br /> Ro;'d. <br /> The Co_iesion reco_ende CGuncil approvlll 1:01' an ftdditiolUl.l <br /> to the northenet CQTner o~ McGuire'. n$ ,shown QD a plan 8Ub- <br /> mitted to us on September d15, 1964, by Mr. GIel111on, it' the 1'ire <br /> door is relGcated to o,pen directly totbeGut*1de and subJ_.t <br /> to review by the t'ire meraball and the build~ inspector, <br /> The CQmmieaion considers n~in& ot' ronds in tbe Twin City <br /> Industrinl Park could be l.ft to the ownere and eonsiders -Gray <br /> Fox Road- to. b. .uitabIe. <br /> Yours very tJuly. <br /> /./ <br /> (Mre.) Carolyn Tiesol <br /> Secretary, Planning CQ~is.ion <br /> oct Chairman Buetow <br /> Carl 1)..1,,' <br /> . <br /> --_.~'~~'--'- --- -- <br />