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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />K1wte8 of Regular COUIIOll MeetiDs <br /> <br />August 31, 1964 <br /> <br />Voter aeP:lIItratle (oont'lS) <br />lnAtrk Iorra1ne IS l'OJDqu18t ln1'~ the Co1Inoll that the Village Hall <br />would rema1D OpeD the 8at11l'da7, Ootob8l' 10, 1964, from 9 a.m. to <br />3 p.m. tor "tOter reg18traUon, aDd, aooord1Dg to law, muat 8tay opeD <br />Wltll 9 p.m. the last da7 110 res1ater be1'ore the General Eleotloft, <br />which 18 the 13th or OctOber. <br /> <br />Slde Lot V81'l8boe Approval <br />'h'Uate. Heth8l'out movia, a. reoOllllll8Dded b7 the Board of Appeals. that <br />approval be gl'anted to Jbt. Leonard W. Belson, 1954 Je1'l'old Avenue, to <br />allow the ocmst1'U0t10Jl 01' a garage e1e;ht (8) teet 1'1'om his property <br />J1r:le; M1'. BelBoa has the approval ot the ad.101ning propert7 owner; <br />aeoODded by Trostee Olmen; mot1on oarried. <br /> <br />Proposed Budget tor 1966 <br />C~erk Lal'ralne Stromquist submitted oopies 01' the proposed budget for <br />1966 and inoluded an explaDation or the var10us fUnds. Mayor KennedY' <br />t.hD~ed Clerk Lorraine Stromqu1st 1'01' the excellent work done on this <br />proposed budget. <br /> <br />Trustee crepeau moved, seoonded by Trustee Netherout, that the pro- <br />posed budget be reterred to the Flnenoe COIIlIIl1ttee which has a meeting <br />8cheduled tor Thursday, September 3, 1964. <br /> <br />Clerk LorrelDe Stromquist repcaoted that a report w1ll be submitted bY' <br />~ s~1,,~~nd ~~~:~it10n for parks and playgrounds. <br /> <br />~la1ms <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist moved the approval of the olaims as subml thd <br />and attaohed; seooDded by Trustee OlmeD; motion oa1'l'ied. <br /> <br />AdJo11l'nment . <br />Jlieting ad$OQ1'Ded at 9:40 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />L#io~ :5~~ <br />tllerlc 1'r81ne Str,qUiS <br /> <br /><~.. <br />