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<br />" <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />Minute. of Regular Council MeetiDg AugllS t 10, 1964 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Seal Coat~ <br />Trustee 0 en reported that the leal coatlng of the designated ueas <br />has been satisfaotori1y oomp1eted, <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR KENNBDr <br /> <br />Me701' Kenaedy reque.ted that ooples of a letter from Banlster Engln- <br />eering Co, to the Village 01' Roseville be sent to all member. of the <br />Counoi1, Said letter oonoerned the avallability of sewer facl11tles <br />tbl'ough RosevUle for the unseHred portlon of Arden Hilla, <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIS'1' <br /> <br />Twin Clt7 Industrial Park Street Remes <br />Clel'k Lorraine Stranqu1st read a letter, dated JlJly 28, 1964, from <br />John E. Daubney which reque.ted that the proposed nemes of Fel'nwood <br />Avenue and Gray Pox Road in the '1'w1n Oity Industrial Pal'k be conslder. <br />by the Oounoil, Clerk 1nfCll'med the Counoil that Fernwood Avenue had <br />been cheoked ~ the Engineer and appeared to line up wlth the present <br />Pemwood Avenue and also with the propos. Fernwood Avenue on the <br />Control Data proper ty. <br /> <br />The proposed Gray Pox Road name WaS referred to the Plannlng OQlllll- <br />iS810D for the1Jo reoOllllll8ndat1on as Mayor Kennedy thought of the <br />posslbility of' 1t being oonfu8ed with the existing Red Pox Road. <br /> <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Control Data 002' hoad <br />\;181'11: Lorrallle rOllllU1st read a 1ett81', dated July 31, 1904, fi'om <br />Banlster EDginediDg 00, to Control Data CCIl'p. whlch requested that <br />they be notifled when Control Data starts oonatruot1on of the Road <br />through lIhe1Jo propel''''. Plans &Ild speclf10atioDll were alao enclosed. <br /> <br />Commercial Sewer Rate. <br />Clerk Lorraine l$1iromqii1st moved the approval of the sewer oharges <br />as submitted fCllt ])yaaoa.t, Inc. ud Control Data Oorp" seoonded by <br />'1't0U8tee Ollaen, moti.. oarried. <br /> <br />Bewer Conneoti0D8 <br />The Uounoll lastl'lloted Clerk Lorralne Stromquist to III1bmlt to the <br />Village Atty. for aoUIIl the 11st of home. wh10h have 8ewer av611ab1e. <br />but have not; oonneoted, '1'h1. 11.t include. .OIIIW who have t8kell <br />pe_lh sane t1me ago ud othel'8 whose extension perlod have expired, <br /> <br />J41d Month Pa1 <br />Trustee Ollllen moved, s.conded by Olerk Lorraine Stranqulst. <br />James Nixon b. paid aemi...onthly,fl!rotion carried.. <br />l+v~.,q"1 <br /> <br />that <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Budget Reports <br />I,;~erk Lorraine Stromquist .ubmitted Village Budget Reports .halr1Dg <br />expenditurell tbl'OIlgh JUly. <br /> <br />llleet1Dg adjOU1'Ded at 10:45 p.m. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Olerk Lorra1n~~ <br /> <br />k ~'~--~7~' <br />;:::;;y;;; D. F~ Kennedy <br /> <br />-4.. <br />