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<br />- .+ .~,,~- '~--~JI'''lP''W~''.l.;' <br />~ .~; - _ " - ~ ._": <," .,' ',_ <1,,~' " -~~ <br />..,:....~, r~~ ' ; >.,1t~ .." !.i" ::';'<";1 '.1,,' "'''"'''',4'" . ;<W~; <br /> <br />ru med the Council that he is not in agreement <br />i1i th the :!!o'!t1'll- .' . als I recommendation of approval for this addi- <br />tional sign. He.o~ ves that the objections can be met with a sign <br />in the rear of the building and not in violation with the billboard <br />ordinance, whereas the proposed additional sign would probably be <br />objectionable to Bethel College, in addition to violating the Qrdinance. <br />Matter referred to Trustee Nethercut for discussion with Flaherty's <br /> <br />~_ -;,:"::~1_~~~~,~i&~ "':;';:~~1.~._1~.. .. "- ". <br />_ urJ. ._,_ __...,.,. " ' <br />It',!$~''~~~~J.i.;U.~.~-;~:W') '.;,r. ~,jf_ ~. <br />~~'-~,...~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />, <br /> <br />" <br />.'1 :~, ~'~, <br /> <br />Fa,go ~1~ <br /> <br /> <br />T;~i.rn~,1J~g o? V~,J~,g:~,r\~ <br /> <br /> <br />Rosevil1e Water 1lattel" (cont'd) <br />Cle~k Lorraina Stromquist was requosted to send one of the <br />Resolution to Rosevllle. who will send Jq:den Hill.; a c01';/ of thGt ~ <br />Resolution in r~tUf~Q <br /> <br />Sale of Village Olllned Lot 19 <br />:l!he UOUncil authorized Atty", COU1'tnay to proceed w:!"Gh the sale 0:<: <br />10 1't.. of' Lot 1.9 to Mr,. David 'rhClll\Pson, 3290 Sandeen I:({,~\d. when <br />info~ed by the Clerk that the $100,,00 check fo~ pe~IDnt has been <br />1'4lce1ved" <br /> <br />REPORt' OF ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />Tra~fic Cont~ol Plana <br />>" LUnd lnf01'med the Ccunc11 that the plans reoeived from the; <br />H1ghlr,py Dept. showed only the looation of oVe1'head signs for ToR" <br />to T.R. 10 and T.B. 8, and comJllflte plans will be fOl''ilheom1ng" <br /> <br />REPORT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR CLAY KELIEY <br /> <br />W$sslund RetainlnR Wall <br />Mr. !\.alley Infonned the Counoil that the retaining wall at 316"1 <br />Shoreline Lane w111 be construoted 1n about 10 daye; tho contl'ac~ <br />has been awarded" <br /> <br />~- <br />iJ-'~ <br /> <br />Roberts Warehouse <br />Mr. Kelley 1n!'01"JlI.ed the CounCil that the Roberts wE'.l'shcm:,e is PCc'" <br />oeadlng on a very good schedule. <br /> <br />Dyoacast. Inc" <br />l'iir", Kelley reported to the Counol1 that the pli1"king !U"';1, et;" <br />Inc. has been blacktopped and the construction !':Un~. j:!Jas boon <br />removed. <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE NETHEiCtI'f <br /> <br />Plannlng Commisslon Res1~atloD and A~olntment <br />T1'US tee Nethercut moved. seconded b:r Clerk Lol'raine StE'C1:ilQt11s tD thnt <br />Robert Jsnlllg 1717 GrlUlll11e Road!> be appointed to the Planning CO!iill= <br />IssioD to fill the vl!lcano:r oaused by Mr. Fritts moving out of th@ <br />Village; mot10n curied. <br /> <br />Clark requested to so Inform Mr. Jenal and also to send a letter of: <br />aPPl"eolat ion to Mr. Fl'l tts for his servic e on this Comnlos10A'h <br /> <br />TlXaoo Buildi~ Permit <br />Trustee ~ethercut lnformed the Council that the Planning Corr~isalo~ <br />recomnends that app oval be temporully denled for the ClOrlS'';l'ucticzn <br />of the Texaco Statlon on County Road E near Flaherty's l'.3"c1en Bowlr, <br />The COIlII1lsslon felt that thls would be good use of this lc.nd, but Db@ <br />jected to the heietlt of the signa. which would be in viola.tioD of' <br />the sign ordinance" <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine Stromquist read the complete recommendation of the <br />Planning Commission", Mr. Dale. Midwest Planning & Resa~ch, Inc.~ <br />had inf01'll1ed them tb1 t many vlllages adopt a separate s5,gn oi.'dln:'!x:ee <br />for servlce statioDs. <br /> <br />The Council requested the Clerk to ask Mr. Lien, Sheeh~ 2~mstruct1ol:l! <br />Co., to consult wlth the Planning CommlS8ion.,~,.,.,<~v \~t~~"~; <br /> <br />-.:;..... <br /> <br /> <br />