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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Page ~ <br /> <br />Minutes of Reg~lar Counc1l Meetlng <br /> <br />June 8, 1964 <br /> <br />Lea ueor Mlnn. Munl01 aU tie. Annual Meet1n <br />yoI' enne,. n orme OWl 0 a ove mentloned meet1ns <br />to be held at the Radisson Hotel, Mpls., oa June 1'7, 18 and 19. <br />Counollmembers were urged to attend. Referred to Clerk for <br />representatlon. Clerk Lorraine StromqUist Into1'Dled the Council <br />that she intends to attend the dayt1ae meetings. <br /> <br />Plannl~ COIIIIllss1on A~polntment <br />lIfayor nnedy Inf01"lle the Councll that the Plannlng Ccmmission <br />hac1 IntorJDed h1Jn that JIrt. Flesoh, a member 01' this Comm1ss1oa, <br />has res1gned. The Camm1ss10n subm1tted a l1st of Possible re- <br />plaoements. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved that Bert Sobutta, 4460 Hamline Avenue, be <br />appoiDted to the Plann1ng COIIIIII1ss1on. seconded by Clerk LorraiDe <br />St1'OlllqUlst. IIIOtion Oarr1ed. <br /> <br />Clerk requested to so notUy Mr. Schutta &lad the Plannln* COIIIIlI. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Weed Cutt1nfaln the V1lla~e . <br />UIerk Lorra e Stromqu1st read a letter~ dated JUne 1, 1964, fram <br />R81118ey Coun t1 Weed Inspeotor - Carl F. DUcher, which wes a rem1nder <br />thet all weeds and grasses on bOUlevards, rOadsides and parks be <br />out by Ju1.1 1, and a seoond outting by Sept. 1. <br /> <br />Fred Nixon reported that this projeot will be completec1 by next <br />week-end. <br /> <br />Jl(Onthl~~t Report <br />Clerk Lorra ne StrOlllquist d1strlbllted to members of the Counol1 the <br />monthly blldget report through May 31, 1964. <br /> <br />Rubbish RelllOval L10ense <br />Clel'lc LorraIne StrOlllquist IIIOved, seoonded by Trustee Crepeau, that <br />the rubbish haul1ag l1cense 01' R. W. Nixon be approved, subject to <br />the approval of Dr. Farkas, Village Health Officer,. motion oarried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGB ATTY. COUR'l'NEl' <br /> <br />Clerk Lorraine StromqUist read the report tor th18 meeting sub- <br />mitted b1 Atty. Courtney whlch covered the 1'ollowlng matters: <br /> <br />.QJi!en Housira~ Pet1t11olll <br />Xtty. Courthe1 recCllllllencled that th1s pet11l10a sUl:mitted by the <br />North SQbUbaa COIIIIII1ttee oa Oi viI Rights be coasldered on an <br />individual basis and DOt as members of the Councll. <br /> <br />Cle1'lc Lorra1ae StromqUist lntorllll!ld the Couno11 that the Publio <br />Welfare Commlttee felt that th1s petitIoa should be aoted on by <br />Iadlvlduals aDd that thIs oommittee oould not take a stand oa <br />It tor the ent11'e v11lage. <br /> <br />Mayor Kennedy stated th.t aay Indivldual who so desired oould c11'- <br />oulate a petition for open houaing and should feel r.ree to do so. <br /> <br />Drain Tl1e Conneotlon <br />Clerk LorraIne Btromqu1st IIIOved approval of E. A. Locke, 1'714 <br />Cr;ratal Avenue. to construot. a draln tl1e connection to hia Pl'Opert:r: <br />subjeot to the AttY.'a approval of the bond to be submitted, <br />seconded by Trustee 01lllenl lIIOt1on oarrled. <br /> <br />Minors, ~lo:red by Vlllage <br />Atty. Courtney stated oonoem ot the status of 1nsurance ooverage <br />when ul1nors are emplO)Ted by the Village under certaln oondi tiODS. <br />Re.ferz'ed to Cle1'lc to d1aoua8 again wlth Att,.. Courtney. <br /> <br />.. oontlnu.ed - <br />