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<br />Page 6 <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Coancil Meeting <br /> <br />APltil 27 D 1ge4 <br /> <br />he ueat for Chan'e in Postal Station <br />er repor eta e an r. e on met vdth representatives of <br />Mr. Killeen's office and rel,uested that the County records at the <br />Court House be chane;ed to read "St. Paul 12" instead of "New <br />Brighton 12". 'fhey were inf01'llled that t he department wns not able <br />to make this change. because of the cost involved. but were told <br />that the recorda would be changed to include the Zip code number and <br />Arden Hills topping the list alphabetically. it probebly would be <br />soon. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Hip-flway Department Meeting <br />Clerk reported that she attended this meeting on April 24. 1964~ <br />regarding trRffic signa, This meeting was attended mainly by <br />sharriffs and traffic engineers. She learned that the signa in <br />the Village should conform with the new laws end the the Village <br />should be receiving s free sign manual. <br /> <br />Sanitar Sewer Im'rovement <br />er orra neromqu s n 1'0 uced a resolution. as attached. <br />relating to apportionment of aSsessments relating to Sanitary SaNer <br />Improvement No.3 and moved its adoption; seconded by Trustee <br />Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> <br /> <br />Public Hearing on Interim Tax Stu~ <br />~lerJ distributed to members of t a Council a report as submitted <br />by Charlotte McNi8Sh on the tax meeting she attended on April 24. <br /> <br />N.S.Po ~lectrical hate Cha~e <br />l,;lerk read 8 letter, dated pril 23. 19b4, frolli the Northern St~tes <br />Power Co. which informed the Villare that lower electric rates will <br />become effective on the readings taken on end after April 30. 19b4o <br /> <br />Chan,e <br />er <br />in the <br />change <br />motion <br /> <br /> <br />final <br /> <br />Request for Street Sweeping <br />~lerk Lorraine Stromquist read 8 letter. dated April 24, 19v4, from <br />the hysgaard Co.. 1253 W. Connelly Ave.. Which requested that this <br />street be swept clean of the residual sand and dirt. Matter referred <br />to Trustee Olmen. <br /> <br />Snellin hoad Traffic Control <br />erk orra ne romquist rea a etter, ated April 24. 1904, from <br />Mr. Jas. C. Marshall, Commissioner of Depto of Highways. in which <br />he stated that the matter of a left turn lane at Glenhill Roed <br />from T. H. 51. has been referred to the District ~ngineer, E. J. <br />McCubrey and Traffic ~neineer. J.E.P. Darrell for investigation; <br />he will inform us of their determination. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />G la 1ms <br />Trustee Nethercut moved the P't,prov!11 of payment of claL, s as presented <br />and attached; seconded by Clerk Lorraine Stromquist; motion carried. <br /> <br />Meeting ndjourned at 11.10 pom. <br /> <br /> <br />~..~~ <br />