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<br /> ----- <br /> 1964 BUDGET <br /> DISBURSEMENTS <br /> 1964 D1sbW:'Bement <br /> ADMINI STRA'lIVE AND GDERAL Budget TbI'ILl"!ll"'!64 <br /> MaJor an4 00121'1011 (24 .eeUngs J <br /> 401.10 Mqor 300. gg> .. <br /> ~.10 !rQ_tee8(4) (24 .eeUngs 960. .. <br /> 52.10 '1'rea8U1'er 240.88 .. <br /> Total I';500. . .. <br /> nemone and Voter Regi8tration 7~.00) <br /> .12 nection Boards .. <br /> 1\.01I..12 Janl tor, Preo1not 2 5.00 .. <br /> =.21 P1"1ntlng aDd Pllblhb1ng 100.00 11~~00 <br /> ~. 46 Blappllesan4 Equ1rent 100.00 .00 <br /> . Rental, Preo1not ~.oo .. <br />I Total If:l5. 00 ' <br />01erk'. Offlce ' ,lj .00 <br />::g~.10 B.lane8, Clerk and Staft S,~~oo ~~.~ <br /> .30 aumtea and Postap 0.00 6. <br /> To ~,5'K>.00 ,. <br /> Le~:n Attol'ne;r 2,000.00 1,946.25 <br /> Printing and Pllbl18b1ng ~o.oo 22.01 <br /> Total 2, Q.OO 1,9b5.26 <br /> General Go....1"DIIent Bll1141nge <br /> V111~ Ball, !.06 <br /> ;g;. T.l~ne 114:~4 <br /> .22 Utll tlee an4 Janl tor 1, .00 <br /> m.2~ Repa11' and Upke:f' General ~.oo 1." <br /> !109.~ LaD4eoaping, In Storage B14g 0.00 .. <br /> . Ill8UI'anoe 100.00 .. <br /> ~. ~ I'urn1 tul'e an4 Equ1paat ~.OO 38.75 <br /> 409. Beat1~ 8;r8U11 all4 IIIpro.....ent 1. .00 - <br /> Vll~ Sto~ 1141ng , <br /> 11-09. 19 In.tal1mat plU8 Intereat ~.oo "~ <br /> ' Total ,. .00 1. . <br /> Prot.ot1.... I;:reotlon 1.600~00 40.40 <br /> ~li~291 ,141ng Inspeotion <br /> 1 . 292 Eleotrl~ In~eot1on ' ag.oo - <br /> :l~.m PIUlllbolng '" Wel Inspection .00 151.~ <br /> 1 . BeaUng Inspeot1on ~.oo -i0. <br /> , Total " .00 2.06 <br /> 'M1aoe11~8 196.50 <br /> ""'01 -., Co. _0. ....... - .96.00 <br /> 4oi.Ja: League td 1I1nn. Man1o. Dll..185.oo .. <br /> '. COll8ll1tant ree. 00.00 <br /> It.~ Inavanoe. WIam'. CoIIp" Pub Llab 1.Ho.go <br /> . PIRA 1. Sl. , .. <br /> 4051.41 Bon4l1. Publio ott101al. 30.00 .. <br /> ~7.23 Bubel.tano. aJl4 '.l'nft8pol"tation 500.00 6.50 <br /> 498 Retund. - 24.~ <br /> 'lotal ~ 227. <br /> Total A4II1n18traU...e and General 28.270.43 4.691.93 <br /> <br />. <br />