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<br />, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />I-fintrtae of Rcsgular Council l1GG,/;SJ:lg <br /> <br />Fe bl:'l19l:Y" to J 1964 <br /> <br />TRUSTEE UETllERaJT'S REPOR'f <br /> <br />Lat.- Johanna S\al~ R1nIr: <br />'1lbe !.!lite Johanna t1ng RiDk closing. originally scheduled far Fc1ruary 15, mq <br />be 1\lIIbJt8ined someWat longer depending on wather conditiCUlJ. <br /> <br />st. Paul Bible CO~ <br />l.tayor Kenned;v read a .tter frail the Planning Corinn1saion ra;;tWdinZ draiDage prob1snu <br />at the St. Paul Bibls College site. Clerk Lorraine Stromquist ~'l:1n check past <br />NCords and report to the comICil. <br /> <br />TRUSTEE CREPEAU'S REPORr <br /> <br />Dog Ordinllnce Ent<reomeut <br />Trwte9 crepe811 read' 8 tetter from tm P01ic1l Deptlr\1ront statinG tlwt 16 dogs bnd <br />bean pickGclnp by the B & E PIltl'Ol. 112 the past tew 'Ilflelm. ThG }'(;u.~a Depart\T!r:t <br />plans to cback ttle Village on the status of 1964 dog licenses. <br /> <br />Civil. Defense <br />The request uss gf'Bnted for an !dentiticotion card far Joe Beach ns a Civil Dot_. <br />roambali.'. <br /> <br />Circ t. S Rancb <br />Tbe Pl1bUc Ss:l:st;r cOlIIlllittee bas requestedtbcrt the C4--c1.e S RBnch be inspected by <br />the Villege Building InSpector. and, it be tbiD1C8 turthl'J1' il18pec'~iens are necesSIJ1'1, <br />be w.Ltl recollllD8D4 tblt tbe pllP>trlg end heating be obaclmd to th. safetq <br />. and8lllnitatioD ot tbe pNllI1se8. <br /> <br />TRUSTEE OUlEN'S IlEPffi'f <br /> <br />National 'ii!n1\UIUOD of Public Wark8 <br />Trustee 0 stated tlJd bII QOI1l.d DOt see a~ advantagea to oUl' joining the National <br />Organization ot PubU4 Warks, bat; 'lIDuld Uke w get tbe COlllr.J8nts at Fred NblDn bltton <br />Gnyactiorr 18 ta_. <br /> <br />I'ubtto HOl'taI COIlIIIittlJe ~ <br />The COuncil. appo1Dted B ." a. ee. U66 Cl1l!ll1I1l188 LaDe, to till. the vacancy on <br />the Public "r0rk8 OoIIIllittee. <br /> <br />~YOR KE!~Jl!DY' S tQSt'\.ftr <br /> <br />Govel"!lIllIDt S.... Fllc1UtiAle <br />J.~ Kermeay Na4 S J.ellW, dated Feb. S. 196h. frOlll U.S. krtitS EngiJJHI' Dilltrict, <br />Carp of EDginee1'II regB1'd1ng ~ _sing 01. 88To181' tac1lit1eB 1lo ArdsD B1Us ~ <br />the Twht Cities I.rI/ff Ammlm1tiOD PLant. Sa1d letter stated that the propotlll1. 1lo <br />lease hIl8 been witbdrA", bIltI way be OONl'ld.-.4 at . later data at tbl of <br />tbl Village, 8Dd besecl 011 OODd1tiODe ex1sting at that ti11lh <br /> <br />CLERK'S REPOR'! <br /> <br />'N.S.P. Co. - Ret!l~ . <br />Clerk LCl&'l'81M stI'a1lCIu:a:n-"nad a 1stter frClll N.S.P. Co. covar1ng 11ft station l'tlte8 <br />and en 8gNemetrll to 88ftII pL'ell8lJt end. posB1ble future 11ft atat1OllS. . TruIItee <br />NetheroUlllllOWd tile adopUoD of II nao1.ut1OD, as attend, to d!lcate . b1.aDke\ <br />8GOa4lI\Ilont 1Dstead of 1Ddividaat Oontrllcts fflr Wt stDt10D electric ~. Tr1BItee <br />01JDen~J . aD8DiD.'0Q8~ ClI%'rlsct. <br /> <br />Tax i'clrfeited LaDds <br />Soverallll!lpB Show!ng l.ocatioDB o! tax forfeited lands 1IID'e referred to ,tw WlUare <br /> ter their reCO\!llllSJX.\llt1oD. <br /> <br />Additional Distribution at Cot\DC11. Minutes <br />'1'_ UlGl'k's OfnOl1r11.l send copies 0:1: 1i61 m5.nutea of Me Coano1l Heet1ngs to the <br />COIIIlIittll8 CbairmeD. BowYer, "1;18 CI1airJDm at the Ol"dinmee, Board 01. Appeals, <br />U '~Ij and Splo& SpeD Comm1ttt18l!1811iU receiw ooples only ~1heD appl1cabls. <br /> <br />_ c~ued - <br />