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<br />... <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />(b) Atq sip attacbod to a bu11tiaa "11 lie .., 1~ that <br />it vtll QOt project ebove the roof li. of l;1le bu11d1Da. <br /> <br />(c) <br /> <br />'nl>t n1llllber of ~ feet in the s..-oea IA1I'f_ ana of all <br />!li&t:If on. the lQt Ihall not exceed tbnle timd the nueber of <br />l1nul feet of froots.. of tuch lot upot1 M'J pubUc "net. <br />mtCepl; that pa&'eeh or lote loeateli v.tthtrollltea- OIQ _n <br />tlu:u\ one pubUe 8t~t llIll1 b4W fifty P'l'r e8l'lt ecU1toual <br />aquare f.1: of .ien _ iu. ~~'t1on to hld total f~.. <br />In tbe ~ the lot or ~l baa 1... depth fl"Gla tbe p.lblic: <br />atreet than trout"... the depth of the lot .baU be tM ..,U- <br />uble _.aSUUIlIIIl!11: for Ff'O". of detenaS.D1aa tile plUIII1tte4 <br />aip arelil. In the .vent the depth 1. __. tile "'I.".a <br />depth ~n apply. <br /> <br />lI'l>r the lM-'po$ of ealwlaUUi tile .1g11. _ each lNI:f.. <br /> f<< diaplay allAll k i,llCluf:led, and allO aylIbola. <br />fl..ass. ",-e::-;.{iue. f'iiu.ea 0:;: ;)l;1;ar f~.. vf .raphtca! <br />or Gtt.liCbed to aoy .tNCI:,," or otllenll.. ~<Je<I upon <br />tho ~.. Sisn Il1'QfI ahaU be ellleulate'" fl"Gla the <br /><Ntdde d1melUlIOQ of 1ltlY fr~ ce.rryl~ oreol\tuzWll tho <br />.J.p. S4n$ b$;aaft.r 8i"8Cted.(.OQ&tructe4. alt.Ad 01' ~.d :tn <br />tbe V:i.u.~e o! i\.rderl lillt Ghi;.ll be c(.u!:wcted of l.\1etal. aDd <br />all fO*tI, lor_a, lII'lG fr...a wU be of llleCal ( <br />bodllOut..l Ocr., wi:li,~ may. be of. WOQ<;\). All p(lll.ta bur1DB <br />b111bo.u48 or .ips eba11 De ..t w1l:b tile fOUll4aioD at <br />18Mt t~ feet bel_ grOQDC! llllWl, 4ln4 in . C~" <br />f~t101Q not le.. than two ~eet ~ _ thRfl feet .... <br />to tba- em! I:h,,1: tne)" $hall. be safe and ~ .t~_e. <br /> <br />(d) Aftu (t l'Clnd.t or 1i(:etlI)Cl bu bemr. sranted for a P41"tlcu1.u <br />sian. the ei.en _11 UI)t be 1I.'~fac4d. rec:ODIItructed <br />Cl;' r.mved to ll; new llX:,lt:l.crl in l...dcn llHlt 1.f $Ut:h l\1..te1l.'llt101Q. <br />te..-fflC1ua <n" recoaatructioD will be in vtolaUon of the <br />prov1lli<<a of tbi!;l O:::;.Un"1';~Q;)r otbr;r ",pplic:.ab1e crd1unce <br />of Arden tille. Any relocat1OlQ in ATdec. !lilla, 1Ibetber upon <br />the ot"iSlnllt ~MI!. or othenri...... llb&1l requite a _ <br />-wllcaUcm he~... but teloe.U.on \IPOIQ t_ __ pnW.lNl.. <br />U ot:~ coafonrLaa to all .ppu.eule cr~1~Il~a. shall <br />lXIt requite t_ ~t of . 0lIW 11~ f... <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />8a<:~iqp lOl UOrPClmfol'lld.D& S1pa or BU1Jaoaria laLatlne On eM <br />~USct1ve De.teClf ~e Or~'J.,"Ane... ____ <br /> <br />S!gu,a ot" b1111)08.1':. =cUt~ 11.'1 J,rda'e. 11111. ou. tbe effe<:tlve date of tbla <br />orcU.~ are d1$11.1lc for l1c8nAle. bere1.lll.der. notwituta~ their loeet1ou. <br />af.J;ll., or "'~... of' e~t~t1on, 11 tM)' <<lrC :act tben ~ vtout1OiQ of flif7 other <br />1IIPP11c:a1:1le ordho<<'4 or teaU1llt1oa of AT_ !liUs or$ or statute. <br />. of the State of 1'll.UtlUOl:lI.. ApplieatLonll fer U.CGlUe, fot: th41 ID.Il1nt-..... of <br />Mid IJ1&n$ aba11 U. tw:le. to the Cllllnt 1/O'ithin 60 da1a after the effecti". elate <br />of thi$ <br /> <br />110 f\lrtber permit. than be $1'1Ii1I:ri for tNCb -coafot'lll1oa ..... or <br />blU~after the 3Ut of ~ fI~.r. 1964, lUIC1 aU neb _coaf~ ef.inlt <br />or billbMrde lIIUIt be ~d or. eOl1f~ 1I1 t_ OWIIer of tile pnat.... QpOiA <br />wbieh IMICh etpa _ ,U\I#.ed by euet date. <br /> <br />.4- <br />