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<br /> . <br /> 1'::GfJU I ar Counel ! j',1e61ti rig -3,- II Dec. 1967 <br /> REPORT OF ENGINEER LUND <br /> l' 2' 0 ' ' 0' In " <br /> __t2..;~~......':_~~~ventJ0 - ra I nQgf~ \,aT1'~~.: <br /> Engr. Lund reported 'j'hat this drivoway apparoll'j'l y can ,be graded to <br /> the road withoui" a culvert. Coullci I authorized Banister Engineer- <br /> ing Co. to Bet the grade ~n '~'he driv:?t'iav; E ng l~ ~ Lund be I i eves th j s <br /> h'i ! i so: ve tinl p I'O!) I ~l!ri. <br /> , f\l:eter Rental TI-om Poseville <br /> --'-'"--~~---~-~-.....-- <br /> Engr. Lund reported that the au compound meter which Rosevl!le has <br /> offerod to rent to Arden HI I Is is worth $2,750.00 new. El1gl' . foe I s <br /> \'iO \, i I I P ,'obab I y use fhis me"t-er 'for about 'j'hrae yeClrs and It is a <br /> gooc1 tnvos-i'mont a-j- a ,-enta I charge of $25.00 per month; tho Council <br /> ag reed 1'0 Hlo ren"r6 ! charge. <br /> Water J'~et~Contrac~t. <br /> Engr. Lund roported that the contract has been sent to Badger Meters <br /> Manufacturlng Co. fOI. thoir slgnQtlll~G. <br /> Seil,I€~ r Ti me Ex.t~.ns) ons. <br /> Engr. Lu no senor Cl letter to Leon Snbinc Informing hIm that the Council <br /> has given him un-j- i I June I, 1968, to provide sewer facilities for the <br /> house he OHns at 34Sg Siems Court, and alse that the village would <br /> supp10men'~ t[10 cost-of i'he pump in the amount 0" $250.00. Engr. <br /> Lur,d inform3d i.he Council that a pump would cost about $350 to $400. <br /> En9 ;~. Lund also hi.o'~e .~o David Kubictowitz; 154,3 Oak Avenue, Inform- <br /> i ~)g hi lr "rhot an e~<"rans i on of time had been gl'antod by the Council uo- <br /> -r i I I ,J une 1968. <br /> CO[J i os of -r'hasc i et-;-e rs on f I Ie ""r the v I I I age ha 1 j . <br /> !:~ a S i .9_LLl..tL Re p 0 r"!~.::'-1-.:~~i!!.sITo n ,^, ve f1 ~Q~;I._ E >:1P n s ion <br /> Enqr' . Lund ~~ubmi -:--;-;;)(] a \'4T i t't0!1 r'oport, (luted i I December 1967, COii- <br /> 'cerning the extension of sanitary sewer along Lexington Avenul, nori'h <br /> of County Road 0, toprc"lvids service to t\10 parcels waned by Richard <br /> So! 1 r ~~. 1.1e sta'~ed ~-i)ct the p rOJ oct is -?o~]S j b 1e nod l'ecommendod tllat <br /> service bo constructed 'i~o no r"v i C0 bo.rh ! oi-tj Instead of only the one <br /> 1-11- . Sollie proposed to bui Id on; <br /> l\ t ~-;o it i th 'dlis -[-e\:l5 i b j I f i"y 1"'03 po t~1' to Enur .. Lund enclosed work sheets <br /> showino af:!~.t of $! ;> 050 'lor the project to service both <br /> parce:~~, end a I so -i-he (~SSes3mell"l' fig u t'e s ~ <br /> Councllm:;" Hollonhon;t I.iolled '~ppr'ov<;t or ':'~,3 project to set'va both <br /> fH;;jl~C{;: f s) ~ubject to At-~y~ Courtney obtaining a signed agreement <br /> "., i "i"hHI-.. Sol I Ie regardlflg the assessmel1t; soconded by Counci Iman <br /> . Ct'or:onu; moi.ion carried. <br /> ~ ' I BVili~.ter EngirlGering Co~ to obi-ain 'firm cos'r <br /> ~,;Ollnc I . <br /> 'r j f1ur'os fro~~ CClltrac~ors for Cotlncifman Olmenis app ,-ova I, and to <br /> p rQc~:...(ld w1tll the ~rojcct~ <br /> REPORT O~ COUNCILYAN 1:0LLE!.4>IDFL;r - P!onniilQ ~nd Zoning <br /> Cuso Uo. 6 7.~:22..t. Va r i cHH:;[: Regyes.t. <br /> ~-.....--...~._-......-.--.- .._---"-....."----~--,- .-~""-~- <br /> John Lambros:, 32 I ~, R.idgE:NOod Ro(:;d~ held submittod a requeST to bui Id <br /> fJ 22 f ~;de b~a~l10~se 4' "fj-om .tho I o';-J i ne ~ <br /> Counci iman Hol leni1ors';- :n-rormSl( the Counc! I that the ~lannlng Comm- <br /> jS~:.i<H; f.::: ! t ';-h i ~c; :"C::J~!0~: -;- t"(()U I d f'Gqu i roe 1:.; L~p$cial use penn it, s i nee <br /> .~ I~ ;. :~2 ? wid~'h of .ttl~ prclposed ilu I I ding is m'.:)re -than 10% of tho 126' <br /> 1;110::1 <br /> 0-( sh()r"oI!n.::-, ~'1r.. Lf'IT,b \"0<;-- o\'}ns. Ma-j-tor l.eferred "1"0 Clerk fo:'. m,ll! iog <br /> 0-;- no"j-1CHs of publlc hO;;H-inf] ch!d to 50 inform the Planning CommIssion <br /> of .rho pioc:]dwi~C. <br /> ...:-;~ <br />