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<br /> Regular Co'_!nci I F.1ee i tng -5- II Dec. 1961 <br /> _/ <br /> Coune I I requos ted C I e I-k LOI'r8 ins Stromquist to draft a letter for <br /> council consideration. <br /> ~~QL Coun-~y Li~hi'ing ProDolli <br /> The Public Works Committee recommended not approving the Ramsey <br /> County lIghting proposal considering the information furnished to <br /> date. Councilman Oimen feelS payment should be based on the number <br /> t of county II9h-;-S i-he vi llage has. The council felt more information, <br /> ,such as ho~: man\, I igh-;'s 'Ie have, etc., was needed before a declsion <br /> co~ll d bE> made. Councilman Bjorndahl informed the Council that a <br /> roque",-j- \'jas made for b,a-rte r street Ilghi-in~; on Ingerson road ( a <br /> county ,road) f rom lox'! n gton to Hamline Avenues. Matter raferred to <br /> tile PUI)lic liafety COlpmlt.tee., -, <br /> f9..!!lPment Renta I Rates <br /> A sub-committeo has been "'ppolni'ed by the Publ Ie Works Committee to <br /> stucJy figures on equipment rental wh I ch wi! t be discussed at the <br /> next committee meeting. r,1ayor Nethe rcui' commented that, accOrding <br /> to their minutes, tho committee is doing a good job of probi ng 10.;-0 <br /> the problems. <br /> Thecommlttea recommended possible purchase of another pickup truck <br /> and also to consider buyIng a front end loader with a back hoe. <br /> Counci Iman Bjorndahl be i I eves the present pickup is not heavy enough <br /> for tr~veling the roads to the I ift stations; he suggests the counc i I <br /> cons I d,~r Ii four-wheel d r,j'/s vehicle. <br /> REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> - Contro~ata Water Tank <br /> Mayer Nethercut presonted a letter, dated 6 December i967, from Engr. <br /> Hendrickson regarding tho proposed tank site on Control Data property. <br /> Also enclosad were throo sets of plans for the proposed site. Clerk <br /> requested to send One set to James Burford, Control Dutil, with Il <br /> COVer latter requfisting B meeting to discuss the matter, and also a <br /> copy of the loiter clnd a set of plans to II"i'tV. Courtney. <br /> .Ramse\' County Lea9~2 Meet ing <br /> Mayor Nethel"cut announcod tila'i' the next league meeting \1ill be he I,d <br /> ~t Maplewood next Wednesday; the spea!~0r \'Ii II be James Hetland from <br /> the Matropolltan Council. <br /> REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK L.ORRAINE STFOf1()U I ST <br /> Sewar Connections <br /> Clerk Lorraine Stromquist informed the Counclf of the status of fou I- <br /> res j dence;.;S and one business place ~hich have not campi led IV I th the <br /> . cQurlci I is notica to connect to the sewer system. The coune i I reques'red <br /> "rh0 C! e rk to inform them to have this connection made before Jar. I;> <br /> aHer this date, the Ol"ulnaneo wi II bo enforced. <br /> !_ i co 11$8 ,_~~a I s <br /> Clark Lorraine Stromquist informed the council tl1,1t ! ; een se app I i- <br /> ca1"ions 118VC been received and were in order. Counei lman Crepeau <br /> reported that there had been no pr"oblems at these establIshments with <br /> tho Police or Fire Depts. Councilman Crepeau moved approval 0'( the <br /> 'collo'.l! ng 1 1 censes: <br /> G.D.M. Co. (Li:Jdey's) Restauran'l" <br /> Cigarette <br /> On <lnd Off Sale, non-intoxicating <br /> me I-r I i quo.. <br /> --'-.._- <br />