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<br /> Regular Coullcll r~eeti n9 -4- 13 Nov. 1967 <br /> County Street Li~htinQ Proposal <br /> Clerk Lorraine Stromquist submitted approximate figures to Mayor <br /> Nathercut on amounts paid by the Vi' lage and the County for street <br /> lighting in ARden Hil Is and also figures showing proposed change <br /> by Ramsey County. <br /> The figures showed that Arden Hills would benefit from the change, but <br />. Trustee Olmen noted that this does not take into consideration the <br /> maintenance of the lights. Mayor Nethercut wll I pursue the matter. <br /> Councilman Elect Henderson <br /> Mayor Nethercut recommended that the Clerk send minutes of council m <br /> meetings and othar pertinent material to Councilman Elect Henderson, <br /> so he w i I I be Informed of pending matters. <br /> REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> Rodent Problem <br /> Clerk Lorraine Stromquist reported that a reply, dated 6 Nov. 1967, <br /> from Rosevllle regarding roden problem In the area of Cleveland <br /> Avenue and County Road 0, which Dr. Fa rkas be II eves is caused from <br /> a pig farm in ROs8vllle. Village fillln'age" Turnlund Informed Arden <br /> Hills that their Consult1ng Sanitarian will check Into the problem <br /> and a report will be submitted to us. <br /> Request for Extension of Sewer Main <br /> Clerk Lorraine Stromquist read a letter, dated 2 November 1967, from <br /> Mr. Richard Sollie requesting the extension of the main sewer line <br /> to service his property at 3143 North Lexington Avenue, on which he <br /> is bui Iding a home. <br /> Engineer Lund submitted a feasibility report, dated 9 November 1967, <br /> stating this this would ~o a simple installatIon, but Mr. Sol lie <br /> would havo to determine the point at which he would like the servIce. <br /> Clark Lorraine Stromquist requested to consult with Atty. Courtney <br /> beforo proceeding and also to assure that tha owner I s aware of the <br /> assessment involved In this improvement. <br /> Trustee BJorndahl moved approvel of the sewer line extensIon, subject <br /> to the approvlll of the Village Engineer and VII Illge Attorney; seconded <br /> by Trustee Crepeau; motion carried. <br /> Wlltar Connections <br /> Counc i I requested Clerk Lorraine Stromquist TO prapare permit forms <br /> according to the Ordinance for water connections. It was reiterated <br /> that only licensed plumbers will be authorized to take out permits; <br />. Mr. West Is to Inspect those connections already made before the <br /> rnetl3rs are installed as well as al I future connections. <br /> VillaQe Hall Janitor Service <br /> Clerk Lorraina Stromquist Informed the Council that Mrs. Cmiel has <br /> resigned from her janitorial service here at the hall, but she has <br /> found 8 replacement. Trustee Crepeau moved approval of Mrs. Llllna <br /> Fr~nke for janitorial service at the Vii lage Hall, and authorized <br /> an hourly rate of $1.75 par hour plus 50~ per trip travelling <br /> at Jowllnea; soconde~ by Trustee BJorndaht; motion cllrried. <br /> Complaints - Vii lage Hal I Parking Lot and Steps <br /> Trustee BJorndahl expressed dissatisfaction regarding the drIveway <br /> entrance to the village hall - it is too narrow and difficult to <br /> -4- <br />