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<br />.. <br /> <br />.,. .I..~ <br /> <br />Bxtract of Minutes of Meeting of the <br />Village Council of the Village of Arden Hills <br />Ramsey County, Minnesota <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a r"nlll",r <br /> <br />meeting <br /> <br />of the Village Council of the Village of Arden Hills, Minnesota, was <br /> <br />. duly held at the Village Hall in said village on Monday, the 31st <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />day of JUly, 1967, at a:oo <br /> <br />o'clock p. m. <br /> <br />The following members were present: Mayor Nethercut, <br />Trustees ~repeau, Dlmen, B~orndahl and ~ee+- Hol lenhorst <br /> <br />and the following were absent: <br /> <br />None <br /> <br />TrusteeBJorndahl <br /> <br />introduced thefollow~esolu- <br /> <br />tion and moved its adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING ENGINEERS PRELIM- <br />INARY REPORT AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC <br />HEARING ON WATER IMPROVEMENT NO. 67-1 <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Arden Hilla <br /> <br />as follows: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1. The Council has directed Banister Engineering company to <br />prepare a preliminary report as to the feasibility of water improve- <br />ments within the Village of Arden Hills, and particularly in that <br />area of the village lying easterly of Trunk Highway 51 and west of <br />Lexington Avenue, consisting of the construction of a connecting <br />feeder water main to the Roseville water system at Glenhill Road and <br />~amline Avenue, and extending northerly and easterly to terminate at <br />*,n elevated storage tank adjacent to Fernwood Avenue approximately <br />2000 feet north of County Road F, together with certain necessary <br />distribution mains, largely located within the commercial and <br />industrial area of the village which will also provide service <br />connections to the property line, a meter station at the south village <br />limits and a water booster station at approximately Red Fox Road, plus <br />necessary fire hydrants and control valves and other appurtenances, <br />and the estimated cost thereof and whether such improvement should <br />best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement. <br />The preliminary and cost estimate have been submitted by the engineers, <br />considered by theCouncil, and are hereby approved and directed to be <br />placed on file in the office of the Clerk. The improvement proposed <br />to be made in the general manner set forth in the report is designated <br />as Water Improvement No. 67-1. <br /> <br />2. The Council shall meet at the Lake Johanna Elementary School <br />on August 29, 1967 at 8:00 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of holding a <br />public hearing on the proposed improvement under and pursuant to <br />the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, as amended. The <br />