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EXHIBIT A <br />TO <br />DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />Legal Description <br />All that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 27, Township 30, <br />Range 23 lying West of the Easterly 832 feet thereof, and lying South of the Southerly line of the <br />Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railroad Company's Right of Way, and lying East of <br />the Easterly Right of Way line of Trunk Highway No. 51, and lying Northerly of a line described <br />as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of the East 482 feet of said Southwest Quarter <br />of the Southeast Quarter which is 344 feet North of the South line of said Southwest Quarter of <br />the Southeast Quarter; thence running Northwesterly to a point which is located as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on said South line of Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter distant <br />132 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter; thence <br />running Northerly at an angle of 90 degrees 16 minutes with said South line (as measured from <br />East to North) a distance of 45 5. 1 feet; thence Easterly at right angles 110 feet to the point which <br />is the terminus of the line being described. Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br />Abstract Property <br />20 <br />