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<br />i,,~ 1 r, u';-o':: <br /> <br />of <br /> <br />Ccun.:,: j <br /> <br />r-['.eC.: <br /> <br />"':"F" <br />".-' <br /> <br />.';:.2r"ci-; <br /> <br />,., <br />. ...', <br /> <br />1.'57 - <br /> <br />CI.1q.;' i ;iu::-:d <br /> <br />} <br />h~; ri:;,coFHn~.H1Ci;:-ld !jY /\.1"]-o;-OGY COl.1 t~';'n-8Y.~ T;'u,s-j-ee~ 8.joi~ndBh I moved approva; of <br />Th3 coni"ract for doad arld au~'horized its execution by the Mayor and Clark, <br />~1~lbJ':IC~;- -rof-urthe:- chocki ng by ";'hG Vi! I &90 ld-i-o~-n€:y; a check for' <br />~~9;5'JO.(:G '[-rom -j-ilC ',li t feg(~ D,':! given -~c. 1'iH~ fir"m of J\I !en, Courtney and <br />$" II anr.] as trllstee and i-o be d i sbllrs8d tv i.i1em, seconded by Trus-fEl'" <br />Crepe~u; motion carriod. <br /> <br />TrusteB 8Jorndahl stctod fha? one b~ilding and 0 garage wil I probably <br />remafn for tempora;-y storage purposes and the o~her other four bui;dings <br />wi II bo demol ishad. Atto'-ney Courtney SlJggBS'j-O<J, the Ccunci I agreed, that <br />tho Insurance on these bul Idinas not bo c~rriBd. <br /> <br />~ Threi) coples of the contr'aci' \'!OiO submiT'i'cd by "i"he Attorney for eX:3cution <br />and to bo r0turned to him. <br /> <br />~LiJlrr:bJ"os Dra I na~9.221fJ tt,g..c. <br />A1-tor-noy Courtney reported he .tlOS nothing furthor on this matter a.~ this <br />timBj, but wi: i hav6 for the next Caune;! meet i ng. Eng I nE)er Lund 1 nformed <br />the r:oi.lncil th2j-i- on Mai-ell I, 1967, he urot0 to -I-Iw Engineers for Shore- <br />view and Rosaville stating tho cost iiQtires for thIs project. <br /> <br />Pedostrian Tra! I <br />A-rfor:;sy COll r'-rnov !:d.-i:rh.)fj thtd- N ~ S.. F. \'i f I j no-j- r{Juei- ~1ga i n <br />/~6th ~nd he ~:/i II 5ubr~i-r a prop050c! dr,~'::t before thai" timo.. <br />BjOi"nd~~h! si'.a...ed that "the ViJ!GCE.~ pt~efer-:.i to oJiminftte all <br />traffic 00 tho ~r~ir axcep~ for !talnt011snca purposes. <br /> <br />untJ I M,lrch <br />TI-us.roEI <br />motorized <br /> <br />F:.!..?!.JJ..L~9_-S2Fd iJ:i!E!_~_~_-=-._f.~.C? .j- ~ea d_Ul& <br />Trust88 OlffiGO intl"oduced by titl8 and ga46 the first reading to an <br />Urdin~:nce rGglj!a~i'ing i'il~) ~;ubdivi~,ior; an-d p!i::ti"in:.;; of ~and in orne Village <br />of t\,~'ci8n Hlllsp pr-;;:)I.fiding for' -r?le ins.:'ul latfo;, or guar'cHt~'oe of ins1'alliJ- <br />"'10;1 o'r' Litil j'l-iesl/ street PDVO tDE.Ol'-S dnd oi'hcr tissen"'r:i.:l1 devaiopmer~.;.s by <br />t:1S s~bdivider; pi-ovid;~g fer +h~ d8dl(:a~ion a:'~ accepi-ance of lane for <br />Fub! ~c use; pi~ovidinn 'i'OI- th~ impOS!;-lg ,:)~i' plat (jiJ~f"ov::,! f139s; Pi:1oscrihlilg <br />:Jon2J;t~es for "rho '.Jjcl(~';'ion G7 it~3 }irovisions 13i"1,j i-epE;)! ing Ordinanc,'9 <br />i\Jumb~,~:- 5q; s'8condo(1 h;:, Trusi";3€ Hc.f !(-)nhurs-r,~ rr1{)t;on carj~ied.. <br /> <br />?t.~2.Ds.:~g.9_l:1 q:L...:~ \'iJ 1_0;}t_;~"9 LaJ:':~~_:/ i ~~t..'!. <br />j\',"-j':,.,!~::~-y Cour-;-ney rept:)I'-;'ed tha)- t;1e ~'O-;'!CG of ....h'3 Pll!): ic Hearing on this <br />plat should bG publlshad this ~c0k. <br /> <br />_~ i b I C1,c.:L_~, <br />r;t-torney COUti-nf)Y repOj~""'od -thc11" 'r-he ;.1ttorn0Y "for g,r;-l1o f Co I! ege i 5 Ol..l~- of <br />';'O~'i:'1 'J,l~;'i 1 HfJi'~ch :::3,~ h,:::, fur'i':".(-)r' C),:p!DinacJ t:lo'j" ";';13 con-;-r',:;ct '5 .'-0 be <br />:)r"9f)l'~i-Cd ~lii"h the purc;):.~sc 'ro bo on COfldl',"'jOll th,)';- 'lh~; ! ibrary is to 1>e <br />!ocr'~8d at this sitt); ~~an's8Y CO~ln'i"y ;!~tI5t have title to i'he prOp9rty <br />t<-~"i(,i~':: r6qiJe~j-i.!n:J ;:'0do;"af ,-\',1r; - 'litO o.;Lcfs:on depenos or; this. <br /> <br />TrUS~8C Olmen 5t~tcd th~t 'i-~lC Vl tlcQs tlas givan .tll~ Courlty two years In <br />.' h j c j t *l" Q b U f i d l' h <:;'\ ! i b ~-";'j r y; h G be' l fY/ !.) ~; .;. i1 ~~d' f:J n .J 5 .,.. 'J U 1 d b u a va i I a b f e <br />~'J i -i"hou.; F0d(H'O! r:\ ~ ~~ L\~' ~ijCC:,;H~ of .j"hD ';-~~;X':~S3:::-:\; I cC';-;3d '~.Oi' ';-h j s- purpose. <br />~~"tOi'~GY Courtnoy ~f; i COlltac'~ Mr. Wif I lUfuS; Ghairm~n of the Library <br />;:::,c~at'd; -for 3flS\.'/E:rS r'~)0;;~~:"fljn9 ";l:H:n!cir:C)< <br /> <br />.~fP"JR;' Or- ENS! NEER <br /> <br />L;.;i'~D <br /> <br />',.;;r"i:,\'-/ =c.x Roael aild O(,(il ~ (1~ S-;-r(;cd' <br />~il7:--~f;'"i>;r~~rLun:.J--s-:i-3-:F~;::rh:;-'''.c}(;';s.~no':' b:i I i ~:;\.',';; -;.~1'~~ Vi!: .3se h~,~s cccep-rfH] the so <br />;"'f.'O rnt:ds; 'j-";~0 (t0v(~1(;p:.:.:!~s oJ -j'f:,!j: in<l:','<;';',j;J! p;){'!<. ;H:~r::; ~dv;sed to 'rake <br />r:f)~.'O G'\' ~'he dr2inE:~t;: l?:,::~.i''';-.or b'::'lfor;) VI; !'::;~:jC 0C,:~cp-:-,jnc(-~~ <br /> <br />-!-'~"~L~-:'dfj C>!;:h)!1 1 t,rorn;)G tho Counci I "dJr:.:"';~hG V j I L<~~; :,a5 'Jgreed i.o t2-!;;;C;. <br />(;i.H":) 0.,: tho r:)t::<s f n 'j"ho [~.''3s";-l !'j.>-;;rc::.,'/' 0",: "riiG ~J i 1 ar;<') ~ f,-la i nten,')nc$ men I <br />::~'"ii..,~j [~i):0n, tnrO(l"(ihd -i-he Counc! ~ ";-(121';' s,';'rCD"r.S ;:3r'c: V0.t-V di1"j:iculi" to <br />,iSl)!d.Di;1,,:.: .j-ilCiO j~: n>:) unctEd"~~J;~',):3i-;f1 ?-~",)ri":~ ~-;'S'~"H"; theji;J is 6 spil!wc,o,/ <br />i)!?',/ i:::nrJ ho hti~:; ~;fJDn';~ :'lUC:"" 'i-lrr:c 'h1srr::;: .;":-,\/jn~J to k\3:ep the !~o;:id open.. <br /> <br />T.!~(' C~)',!IH::il i~~qt~{~5-;-()d f::ilnin0el~ L=..HHJ .;-0 (~ia"f-;" 2!<" -;"0 Roberts Dejll,::;lop"~ <br />"/~n~i" C(~:;;pa:'l'/ -C~'?l"!nl:'!n -;.;V.:.ii.... c,hi ;:']d.i~f;:-:;Lt; :J(j'fC.t"::J V ! lege; DC.C~"9;)tf]nC8" ,::lnL <br />;]iB~: ;1 ~o.~tGr to ~'ilC t(1:l2nts oxrta!rino i'[18 m~;"~"~br; i'h~S0 i'o be ready <br />;'..')(. !_:cHJnC i l con:; j dtH,.~.~t j on ai" ';-;:c n::)>~'~. 1;-;:::-0': i ng. <br /> <br />-2~. <br />