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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—OCTOBER 14, 2024 11 <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe confirmed. When you get into the manufacturing, we cannot <br /> prohibit. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if one brewery had THC options would satisfy the retail component. <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe confirmed. That would be the one retail business. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if it could be a big box store selling nothing except weed. Interim City <br /> Administrator Jagoe confirmed. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau asked if allowing the one retail location in the B-2 district, would <br /> restrict a cannabis testing center or an R&D facility. <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe said the way it is drafted in the land use table, all the uses are <br /> a conditional use, similar to the low potency. The zoning ordinance says these are allowed through <br /> the conditional use process, so it would go before the Planning Commission and the City Council. <br /> The next step would be the number of registrations allowed. We followed similar patterns for <br /> retail and manufacturing components. This essentially mirrors the traditional retail and <br /> manufacturing zoning districts. So if any manufacturing is allowed, cannabis would now be <br /> allowed by conditional use. <br /> Councilmember Fabel thought if we wanted to keep cannabis off County Road E or Lexington, <br /> we could do that by modifying the zoning, essentially zoning them out of the main streets. He'd <br /> like to do that. <br /> Mayor Grant said that could be done by using and overlay. He said that we must allow one retail <br /> business based on City population and wondered if we are allowed to limit the number of <br /> retailers. <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe confirmed. The City is required to allow at least one and can <br /> limit it to just one. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if Council would like to limit the retail businesses to just one. <br /> Council agreed. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau said she would be interested in a business that does the potency <br /> testing, rather than a traditional retail location. <br /> Mayor Grant said a testing facility wouldn't satisfy the one retail registration component. <br /> Interim City Administrator Jagoe confirmed. She said we can't prohibit them but we can be <br /> selective about which zoning district they are allowed in. <br /> Councilmember Rousseau asked if we can put a cap on it. <br />