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<br /> . <br />. <br />. <br /> Councilman Ben4eraoithen introduced the following resolution and moved <br /> its adoption: <br /> Rl!SOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF <br /> $575,000 TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT <br />. BONDS, SERIES 2 <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Arden Hills, Minnesota, <br /> that the bid of The Firat National Bank of Saint Paul , <br /> Of4.1: ..~' ~ag.ta ' r1>l' n-nill1B1 .---i ;and.., to purchase $575,000 <br />. Te orary ovemen on , Series 2 of the Village of Arden Hills to be dated <br /> October 1, 1968, in accordance with the notice of sale heretofore duly issued by the <br /> Village, is hereby found and declared to be the highest and best bid received for <br /> the purchase of said bonds, and should be and is hereby accepted, said bid being to <br /> purchase said bonds at a price of par and accrued interest plus a premium of $11,500 <br /> the bonds to bear interest at the rate of'4 .40 % per annum. The Village Treasurer is <br /> directed to retain the good faith check of said successful bidder pending completion <br /> of the sale and delivery of said bonds, and the checks of unsuccessful bidders shall <br /> be forthwith returned to them. <br /> The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded <br /> by COUDcilJlan Olmen ' and upon vote being taken thereoo, the following voted in <br /> favor thereof: All <br /> and the following voted against the same: None <br /> whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br /> COUDci1Dlan 1IendeT.on then introduced the following resolution and moved <br /> its adoption: <br /> RESOLUTION l!STABLISHING THE FORM AND TEms OF <br /> $575,000 TEMPORARY Il>lpllOvm-lENT BONDS, SERIES 2 <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Arden Hills, Minne- <br /> sota, as follows: <br /> 1. - In accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 <br /> the Village has by resolution adopted by the requisite majority of the members of <br /> this Council, pursuant to hearings duly held, ordered the construction of Water Im- <br /> provement No. 68-1, and has awarded a contract to the lowest responsible bidder for <br /> the furnishing of part or all of the work and materials required for the improvement, <br />. pursuant to advertisement for bids theretofore published in accordance with law. The <br /> presently estimated expense incurred and to be incurred in the making of said im- <br /> provement, in excess of other funds on hand and appropriated therefor, is $575,000. <br /> It is necessary at this time to borrow the sum of $575,000 by the issuance of tem- <br /> porary improvement bonds pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section <br />. 429.091, Subdivision 3, for the purpose of pa;ying expenses incurred and estimated to <br /> be incurred in making the improvement. Bonds in this amount have been duly adver- <br /> tised and sold at pUblic sale and shall now be issued in accllrdance with the provi- <br /> sions of this resolution. <br /> 2. The bonds so to be issued shall be designated Temporary Improvement <br /> Bonds, Series 2, and shall be in substantially the following form: <br /> -3- <br />