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<br /> recei ved from said Bood Fund and from any other source appropriated for the purpose, <br /> solely to defr~ expenses of the improvement until the same is completed and all <br /> costs thereof have been paid, whereupon such fund ~ be discontinued, and any mOlley <br /> remaining therein, and all subsequent collections of special assessments and taxes <br /> levied and reveIlUes appropriated for the improvement, shall be credited and paid in- <br /> to the Series 2 Temporar-,f Improvement Bond Fund. <br />. 7. At or before the maturity of the Temporary Ill[lrovement Bonds, Series <br /> 2, the Council shall provide by resolution for the issuance, sale and delivery of <br /> definitive ill[lrovement bonds for the purpose of providing money to p~ the principal <br />. of and interest 00 said Temporary Improvement Bonds, so far as the same cannot be <br /> paid out of money then on hand in the Series 2 Temporary Ill[lrovement Bond Fund. Be- <br /> fore the issuance of such defini ti ve bonds, the Council shall by resolution deter- <br /> mine the cost of the improvement which has been paid from the fund thereof, the <br /> SllIOunt of money remaining on hand in the Improvement Fund and available for transfer <br /> to the Series 2 Fund for the p~nt of said bonds, and the wnount of definitive <br /> improvement bonds necessary to be issued to retire said Temporary Bonds. In the <br /> event that such issuance occurs before the levy of all special assessments for the <br /> improvement, the Council may estimate the amount of the cost thereof to be assessed, <br /> and the amount of definitive bonds necessary to be issued. The Council shall also <br /> estimate the principal amount remaining u."'lpaid of the special assessments levied or <br /> to be levied for the improvement, and the interest payable thereon, and the annual <br /> amounts of the collections of any utility revenues which m~ be pledged and appro- <br /> priated for the p~ment of defini ti ve bonds, and shall levy upon all taxable prop- <br /> erty in the Village a direct, annual, irrepealable tax for the years and in the <br /> amounts, if any, which will be required, together with the collections of such re- <br /> maining special assessments and interest thereon, and of any revenues so appropri- <br /> ated, to produce sums not less than 5% in excess of the principal and interest p~- <br /> ments when due upon the definitive improvement bonds, and shall appropriate all such <br /> remaining special assessments and taxes to the fund to be desigpated for the p~nt <br /> of such definitive improvement bonds and interest thereon. The proceeds of the de- <br /> fini tive improvement bonds shall be simultaneously credited to the Series 2 Tempo- <br /> rary Improvement Bond Fund, to the wnount required so that the bonds herein author- <br /> ized ~ be paid from said fund and redeemed and canceled. <br /> 8. No tax is presently levied, except as recited in paragraph 6, for the <br /> p~ment of the bonds herein authorized, it being estimated that the proceeds of the <br /> definitive improvement bonds herein covenanted and agreed to be issued, together <br /> with special assessments to be levied for the improvement, will provide funds ade- <br /> quate for the p~ment of said bonds and interest in full in accordance with Minne- <br /> sota Statutes, Section 475.61. However, the full faith and credit of the Village <br /> is hereby pledged for the payment of the bonds herein authorized, and ad valorem <br /> taxes shall be levied on all taxable property within the Village, without limita- <br /> tion as to rate or amount, to the extent required for the p~nt of said Temporary <br /> Improvement Bonds and interest. <br /> 9. The right is reserved to issue add! tional series of Temporary Improve- <br /> ment Bonds p~able from the fund herein created, to pay any additional costs of the <br />- improvement financed by the bonds herein authorized or of other municipal improve- <br />- ments validly instituted in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, pro- <br /> vided that the special assessments and taxes to be levied with respect to the im- <br /> provement shall be appropriated to the Series 2 Temporary Improvement Bond Fund and <br />. accounted for as provided in this resolution. <br /> 10. The Village Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this reso- <br /> lution with the County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to obtain from the County Audi- <br /> tor before the delivery of tile bonds herein authorized a certificate that said bonds <br /> have been duly entered upon the County Auditor's register. <br /> 11. The officers of the Village and the County Auditor of Ramsey County <br /> are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchasers of the bonds <br /> issued hereunder, and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance there- <br /> of, a certified copy of this resolution and of all other proceedings relating to <br /> -7- <br />