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<br />-. <br />.. <br /> MINUTES OF VILLAGE ELECTION <br /> Village of Arden Hills <br /> Tuesday, November 5, 1968 <br /> At the Annual Village Election of the Village of Arden Hills In the <br /> County of Ramsev and State of Minnesota, held at Precinct No. 1 and <br /> Precinct No. 2 being the place where it was directed to be held by <br /> the Village Council after giving due notice thereof as provided by <br /> law, on the 5th day of November, 1968, Election and Counting Boards <br /> as per attached being qualifIed voters of said Village, to act as <br /> Judges of such Election, ChaIrmen of such Election, each of whom had <br /> within twenty days before such time been designated and appointed by <br />. the V III age Counc II to act as Judges and Chairmen respectively of such <br /> Election who, being present, at the hour of 7:00 o'clock A.~. fo r the <br /> Election Boards and at 8:00 P. ~~. for the Count i ng Boards each of them <br /> duly took and subscribed an oath to faithfully discharge the duties <br /> required of them at such Election; and the said Judges and Chairmen <br /> being duly qualified, forthwith opened the polls by proclamation, and <br /> the Election proceeded by ballot without adjournment or Intermission <br /> unti I c lose d . <br /> The subjects voted on at such Election, as stated In the Notice thereof, <br /> were: <br /> To elect one Councilman for a three year term and one Justice <br /> of the Peace for a two year term. <br /> At 8:00 o'clock In the afternoon of said day the polls were closed, <br /> Proclamation thereof having been made by one of the Judges thirty <br /> minutes previous thereto. The Judges then proceeded to publicly count <br /> and canvass the votes, and a true statement thereof was duly proclaimed <br /> to the voters by the Clerk, who recorded the same In the Village Minute <br /> Book. <br /> ------------------ <br /> STATEMENT OF RESULT OF CANVASS <br /> The following Is a true statement of the result of the counting and <br /> canvass of votes by ballot at the Annual Village Election of the <br /> Village of Arden Hills County of Ramsey and STate of Minnesota, held <br /> TueSday, November 5, 1968 as proclaimed to the voters by the Clerk of <br /> Election: <br /> Stan Olmen received 1861 votes for Councilman, <br /> Fred inxon received 30 votes for COllnc! !mOlo, <br /> Marvin Anderson received 3 votes for Councl man, <br /> WII I iam Benezlck received 3 votes for Councl man. <br /> Carl Langer rece I ved 2 votes for Counci man, <br /> Jerry Ski Idum received 1 vote for Councl man, <br /> Lee Starr received 1 vote for Counci man, <br /> Gene Locke rece I ved 1 vote for Councl man, <br /> Ed Fashingbaur received 1 vote for Councl man, <br /> Bernard LeVander received 1 vote for Counci man, <br /> Wil.llam Arbuckle I-ece I ved 1 vote for Counci man, <br />. Jim Plemmons received 1 vote for Counci man, <br /> Roger Reiling received 1 vote for Councl men, <br /> John Rogers received 1 vote fo r Counc I man <br />