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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee – September 17, 2024 Page 5 <br />Recreation Supervisor Johnson said that is for advertising. He said the Recreation Department <br />has never received any money from that program. It is intended for tourism. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson thought tourism means that people who don’t live in Arden Hills come to Arden <br />Hills for a specific purpose. She thinks a city-wide garage sale fits into that description. <br /> <br />MOTION: Vice Chair Olson moved and Committee Member Rodgers seconded a motion to <br />recommend that Council consider supporting a city-wide garage sale event. The motion was <br />not put to a vote. <br />Discussion ensued regarding what was being asked for. Committee Member Rogers thought it <br />would be important to be specific about what is being requested. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson agreed. She will put some thoughts down before the next meeting so the request <br />will be clear. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson asked if there was an update on the Earth Day Event. <br /> <br />Committee Member Seeman said she tried contacting Bethel to try to connect with their <br />Environmental Club. She has not heard back from them so she doesn’t think they are interested in <br />participating. <br /> <br />Recreation Supervisor Johnson said he is interested in running events. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson said the issue with 2025 is that Earth Day falls so close to Easter. The City <br />already has an Easter Egg Hunt event. She thought maybe this event could be pushed until 2026. <br />She said Arden Hills Greening is working with the Arden Hills Foundation to collect donations. <br />Maybe that could be an option to look at in 2026. <br /> <br />Committee Member Rogers pointed out that some years the Easter Egg Hunt event takes place <br />in the snow. She understands it may be counter-intuitive to hold an Earth Day event indoors, but <br />she wondered if partnering with the libraries could be an option. <br />Committee Member Jacobson said in 2026, Earth Day will be two weeks after Easter. <br /> <br />Committee Member Loosbrock said Council Liaison Rousseau asked her to share that the <br />Volunteers of Chattum put together a work plan about a month ago. They are hoping to get some <br />plants in the ground this fall. The City would like the volunteers to spread grass seed. Their reply <br />was that they can’t spread seed until the buckthorn is removed. The Volunteers of Chattum <br />requested the use of the City’s sprayers. The City Attorney said volunteers should not be allowed <br />to use herbicides. Public Works does not have the resources to spray the buckthorn because this <br />was not planned. Public Works is preparing for winter and they are shifting to those maintenance <br />items. They don’t know if they can get to it. This will mess up cutting the buckthorn throughout <br />the park. Volunteers cannot use herbicide unless a staff member is present to supervise. There is a <br />volunteer event coming up in a week and a half and the site is not prepped for planting. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson said she saw some things were cut back. She wondered if that area was treated <br />with herbicide.