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<br />":., , ' <br /> <br />RESULARCOUNC1L MEETING MINUTES - July 8, 1968 - continued <br /> <br />Page six <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR ROBERT BJORNDAHL - PARKS AND RECREATION <br /> <br />~~~~~_Re~ti~s Co~mls~i~~_Me~tl~[ <br />Mayor BJorndahl reported that the Human Relations CommIssion held their <br />first meeting on July 1, 1968. By-laws were discussed and offflcers and <br />Committee Chairmen appointed. It was decided they would hold monthly <br />meetings. The Commission requested that 100 copies of the Kerner <br /><<port Summary be ordered by the Village for distribution to various <br />ganizations In the village. (Arden Association, Jaycees, League of <br />omen Voters, Business Men's Organizations.> Copies of the minutes of <br />the meetings are to be sent to all Interested organizations and Indl- <br />. vlduals. <br /> <br />Parks & Recreation Committee <br />Mayor-BJorndahr-reported-that the Parks and Recreation Committee were <br />working on their 1969 Budget, which appears to be about $30.00 over <br />the 1968 budget. <br /> <br />He reported that the grading has been completed on the Co Rd E and <br />Highway 51 park site. Sodding is not completed as yet. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK L. STROMQUIST <br /> <br />~I!.I!.QEtl.2.!!..l!!.enL~L~sessments for Sewer !.~!:.~~~nts...!!~!t:..-1...2.L-2L.-!~ <br />Councilman H. Crepeau moved adoption of the apportionments of assessments, <br />as attached, for sewer Improvements 1, 3, 5, & 6; seconded by J. Hollen- <br />horst; carried. <br /> <br />~~bbl~~Ha~~!:.-hic~~~l!.l!.ll~~!i~~~ <br />Clerk Stromquist submitted four Rubbish Hauler license renewal appli- <br />cations, as follows, which have been approved by Health Inspector <br />Dr. John farkas, subject to a statement that trucks will be kept <br />in a clean and sanitary con~ltion: Suburban Pick-Up Service <br />Gallagher's Service, Inc. <br />J & W Pickup Service <br />R. W. Nixon Rubbish Removal <br /> <br />A renewal application for All-State Disposal, Inc. has also be-en <br />received but has not been submitted to Dr. Farkas to date. <br /> <br />It was moved by H. Crepeau to approve the four licenses as recommended <br />by Dr. Farkas, SUbJect to receipt of ~tatement of sanitary condition <br />of trucks; also to approve All-State Disposal, Inc., subJect to Dr. <br />Farka's approval; seconded by J. Hollenhorst; carried. <br /> <br />Clerk L. Stromquist advised she had received a letter and small maps <br />from Mr. Deane Anklan indlcatinq County Road construction Summer <br />Project. Clerk to send copies to Mayor tijorndahl, Councilman H. crepeau, <br />Public Works Supervisor Ev Beecher and Sergeant Pat Sexton. <br /> <br />Aewer Contract With St. Paul <br />~rk-[~fromquTsf reporfed that she received a letter from Rosevllle <br />re sewer contract ST. Paul indicating it has reaChed a "snag" and wi II <br />~prObablY be held up another month or two. <br /> <br />HU~~I!.I!.E~~!l.<?!!.- fo !:....F ede !:.~!!.r:!.9.~ <br />Clerk L. Stromquist reported that papers are in order to send the <br />application to HUD and they would be mailed on July""" 1968. She <br />said Metro Council approval at the appl icatlon was received today. <br />The Planning Commission and Village Planner Carl Dale submitted letters <br />approving the application. A sTatement from Mayor 8jorndahl wIll be <br />attached. Mayor Bjorndahl informed the Council that a representa~ive <br />from the Village will be sent to the HUD office to "follow - up" on <br />the application and provide additional information, if needed, in about <br />10 days after the application is submitted. <br /> <br />- 6 - <br />