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<br />. <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />Counc; I i~'linutos - June 2';~, 1968 ~ continued <br /> <br />Pag.s seven <br /> <br />Rosevi I Ie "I II pl~o-rato the cost to participating <br />v i II ages. Caunc I! ,"an Ho II enhorsi- stated that <br />al I vi I lage representatives at this meeting were <br />agreeable i-o pari-;cipa-rlng. Counci Iman Hollen- <br />hOI"s;- moved oj-hat r,:-den Hills participate in a <br />gas ra-j-e increase study as in i t i l"ted by Rose- <br />vi lie c;nd to pay our pro-rated share \<hen <br />de-;-ei~minGd; seconded by Counci 'man Henderson, <br />motion carried. Clerk requested to so inform <br />Rosevi lie Vi Iluge nanager Richard Turnlund, who <br />wll r Hien notify -i-he League. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />Northwestern Bel I Telephono Company <br />Counei Iman HOllenno,-s-t reported oj-hat a repre- <br />sentDtive from this company was present and <br />repoj~tod thai- a universal emergoncy service <br />numbor (911) wi'; bo in effed- in abou-i- two <br />years--much pl3nnlng is sfi I I to be done. <br /> <br />Zoninq Ordinance Violatio~ <br />CounCilmanHoTTen ho i="s-tiii-T 0 r me d the <br />P I ann j ng Comm i ss i on that an awl'i que <br />Johanna Blvd. without a Special Use <br />appl icatlon forms for this request, <br /> <br />counci I <br />shop is <br />Permi-r. <br /> <br />of a report to the <br />in operation on <br />The owner has obtained <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN HENDERSON - fiNANCE AND CIVIC CENTER <br /> <br />Finance Commlttee <br />couiiCTlmanHender-son repor-,-ed c,n the Finance Committee meeting <br />held June 20, 1963; copies of i-l18 minutes wi II be sent to the <br />counei I msmbe'-5. The ilppl ;cation for federal aid for Water Improve- <br />ments 68-2 and 68-} was discussed. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUHC I U-1AN OU~E', -- PlIElL! C WORKS <br /> <br />Publ ie vlorks r,leetinq <br />CouncTTman--oiM<3n-r~i':i\'!ed orne mlnutas of this meeting held June <br />19, 1968. Membors of the cOllne;!1 received copies of the minutes. <br /> <br />Mayor Bjorndahl stated that all vi I lags <br />designated for tax eXemption purposes. <br />offel~ed to donate the st!3nci Is fei- this <br /> <br />equipment must be 50 <br />Counei Iman Henderson <br />pl~oJect. <br /> <br />Discussion folloried rcg"nJing the purchase of equipment as recom- <br />mended by the committee. <br /> <br />Counci Iman Olmen moved epprovel <br />equipment: <br />1. <br />2. <br />3. <br /> <br />of the purchasing of the following <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />3lr portable c;entrifug2! water pump <br />3" d j aphra9n~ pump <br />Repair clamps -[-01- up i"o and lr1cluding <br />12'1 va1-er pir)O s12e~ <br />Miscolloneous :,ironches and tools 'for <br />sewer, watcl" and oquipment maintenance. <br /> <br />SecondHd by CCUilC i 1lreln Hc.ndOi"son; f,)O.~ i on c.;;;rr j ed.. <br /> <br />Action approving the purchase of sewer rodding equipment and a <br />pipe cutter was dal~yed. ponding further study )y Mr. Beecher, <br />Mafnterlanco s~pervjs6r. <br /> <br />~~iJvor Bjornda!1l. blJ I i eve~~ SI.:;rne o'f the costs ShOt,J! d cor~e f rom the <br />Parks and Rccl-ea1-ior: budg8t. CIGrl~ Lorraina STromqUist suggested <br />tiliJt thG cost be divided L;I~-;-'woen sewer; \':iJ-rer~ f~oads and Parks <br />and Rec\-eatioll budg2tS. <br /> <br />" <br />- I - <br />