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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee – September 17, 2024 Page 11 <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson said the backstop for the tennis practice was removed. Residents are hoping to <br />see it replaced. The recommendation to that resident was to get a petition together. She is not <br />sure if there is any work for the PTRC or is it just following up to see if the resident has <br />questions. She is unsure about the process. How can the PTRC help residents navigate the <br />process for requesting park amenities? <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson said the Fall Soccer End of Season Scrimmage will remain on the list for <br />2025. <br /> <br />Recreation Supervisor Johnson said that is an easy one. He just needs to offer it. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson said if they wanted to enhance the event, the PTRC could look at inviting <br />food trucks or asking the Arden Hills Foundation to provide ice cream. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson said the committee should not lose track of advocating to prioritize the <br />Hazelnut Parking Lot. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson was not familiar with the item to continue the Karth Lake partnership. <br /> <br />Committee Member Seeman thought Council Liaison Rousseau was trying to coordinate <br />Karth Lake with rain gardens. <br /> <br />Recreation Supervisor Johnson said Karth Lake has a board. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson said the Adopt-A-Park Program is a great goal to continue working toward. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson said Lindey’s roundabout and pickle ball nets should both remain on the list. <br /> <br />Committee Member Loosbrock thought the items that should be prioritized by Council are the <br />Hazelnut parking lot, Lindey’s roundabout, pickleball nets, the tennis backstop and adding <br />Freeway Park. These would all be future projects. They aren’t goals that the PTRC can <br />accomplish. They require money. The other items are things that the PTRC can work on. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson said the items to remain on the list of PTRC items is rain gardens, enhancing <br />and increasing community events. She thought the Cummings tree planting could be on both <br />lists. <br /> <br />Committee Member Loosbrock thought the list for the City would be park improvements that <br />the PTRC recommends. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding what items are PTRC responsive items and how to communicate to <br />Council which items are from the PTRC and which ones are resident requests.