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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION _ NOVEMBER7,2O24 l1 <br />Councilmember Monson feels like the budget is way bigger with the Park Dedication Fee as the <br />cap. She asked for a reminder on how Park Dedication Fees are calculated. <br />Interim City Administrator Jagoe said on the residential side it is per unit. On the commercial it <br />is based off a percentage of the value of the land. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said $6,500/unit and 10o% value of the land. Those were sized around a cost of <br />$16 million. The deal says the parks will cost $16 million and the developer needs to invest at <br />least $16 million into the parks. The Park Dedication Fees will be set so he will get the $16 <br />million back. He has to pay up front and he won't get those fees until building permits. <br />Mayor Grant remembers Bob Lux had offered to do some work when doing mass grading he <br />would save $3 million. So the City said we are going to get everything we need. If he saves <br />money, fine. But now the mix has changed between residential and commercial. Whether the <br />number is still $16 million or maybe it's S20 million, he's still saving money instead of Park <br />Dedication Fees. We should be able to go back and say we need additional parks or bigger parks <br />because we added additional residential and they need a place to recreate. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said you can also say the City will reimburse him the Park Dedication Fees up to <br />the amount he spent. Any remaining Park Dedication Fees come back to the City for us to spend <br />how we want for capital needs at the other parks. <br />Councilmember Holden said we still need to look at it. <br />Discussion ensued regarding what meeting the PTRC will be invited to attend. Council said the <br />PTRC could join the Special Work Session on November 18. <br />Interim City Administrator Jagoe said in preparation for that meeting she will work with <br />Alatus to see if she can get some maps of current designs to have for the discussion. <br />Councilmember Holden thought Council should meet, as a group, first to discuss park sizes and <br />amenities. She doesn't think getting the PTRC together to understand how we got where we are <br />now is a valuable discussion. If they don't have the information in advance there would have to <br />be another meeting after that when they've had time to digest the information. <br />Councilmember Rousseau said the PTRC only meets once a month for an hour and a half and <br />they have a full agenda working on the 2025 Work Plan. That would push the discussion out a <br />couple months. If the consensus is we don't want to invite them to sit at the table then Council <br />should just discuss. <br />Councilmember Holden thinks Council should have all the information, in advance, before it's <br />discussed. Everyone should see the memo. Everyone should learn what the parks were and why; <br />and the number of people that were surrounding the parks and what the new numbers are. Then <br />Council can discuss what additional equipment is needed. She asked if anyone on the PTRC <br />specializes in playground equipment. <br />Councilmember Rousseau said most of the members are passionate about nature. There are a <br />few members who have kids at Valentine and they are playground enthusiasts.