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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - NOVEMBER7,2024 l5 <br />Councilmember Holden asked where the Met Council SAC^VAC fees are. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said there are no SAC fee. We have credits on the site. <br />Councilmember Holden thinks there may not be enough credits to cover everflhing. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said there are more than enough credits with extra after the fact. <br />Councilmember Monson summarized there will be a meeting on the civic site, a meeting on the <br />parks and have a financial discussion on the financial pieces after the November 26ft meeting <br />between Bob Lux and the County. <br />Discussion ensued regarding when Special Work Sessions can be held. Council agreed on <br />November 18ft at 5:30, to discuss the parks. <br />4. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND STAFF UPDATES <br />Mayor Grant asked if there were any Council or Staff comments. <br />Interim City Administrator Jagoe said JDA Chair Wicklund's term is set to expire at the end of <br />this year. How would Council like to handle the process and timing to appoint a JDA Chair? <br />Mayor Grant said he discussed this with Chair Wicklund. He didn't seem motivated to continue. <br />Interim City Administrator Jagoe said she also talked with him. He wondered if there is <br />Council interest of him staying on as the Chair. She agrees he is undecided. <br />Mayor Grant thinks the question is because he is the Chair and the JDA is turning over at least <br />three seats. Chair Wicklund is wondering if this would be a good time to appoint a different chair. <br />Councilmember Holden pointed out that he missed several meetings this year. She doesn't want <br />to offer him the job if Council turns over on January 1't. Would we put him on and then throw <br />him off if something changes? She thinks that's tacky. She wondered if it could wait until January <br />I rt. <br />Mayor Grant said it could wait until January. There is not set date where it needs to be done. He <br />recalled one year when Council switched over its committees in February. <br />Councilmember Rousseau said we could do an interview on January 3'd . <br />Mayor Grant said we haven't decided we aren't having him back. <br />Councilmember Rousseau understands. The first council meeting is on the 13ft so there would <br />be the entire week of the 6th through the 1Oft for interviews, if we go that route. <br />Interim City Administrator Jagoe said if Council wanted to table this discussion until after the <br />l't of the year. Then Council could meet on the 13ft and make the decision to either reappoint or <br />make a motion to extend him for another month. The County will appoint a vice chair so that <br />person could fill in if there is no chair. The JDA meetings could still function with the vice chair