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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION _ NOVEMBER7,2O24 <br />Councilmember Monson asked if that is something we want, we need to decide as soon as <br />possible because then he would rearrange the number of units in town center. <br />Councilmember Holden said the former City Attorney has said that if we think we want a <br />second story, we should plan it with two stories from the beginning. It's easier to expand it than it <br />is to go up. She said the reason the civic space had been discussed with a gym is because in the <br />summer if it's raining, kids have nowhere to go. <br />Councilmember Rousseau said she didn't know if playground space is applicable anymore <br />because surrounding cities have done a great job building similar spaces. She does agree there <br />should be a second story. <br />Councilmember Holden clarified that she didn't mean a playground setting. She meant when <br />there is a summer program at Tony Schmidt. If it's raining, the parent can't go to work or would <br />have to make other arrangements. Having a civic center that can accommodate the kids on those <br />bad weather days, is what she meant by playground setting. <br />Councilmember Monson said for the sake of time for tonight's meeting, we don't have decide <br />exactly what will be there, but just agree we still want it. We can use a public process to <br />determine what is included in that space, but everyone is in favor of holding that. She asked if <br />there anything needed for the agreement. <br />Mayor Grant said assuming we're adding 500 units of housing, we'll need an additional park. <br />Councilmember Rousseau wondered if the southwest comer will still be considered a walkable <br />park. She is concerned that if we go with a recreational aspect, where will the next park be? Do <br />we need green space? There could be a path around a building with murals. <br />Councilmember Monson said there are terms that need to be updated in the agteement. <br />Interim City Administrator Jagoe said knowing there is the update on the 2022Term Sheet, <br />Staff would like direction on next steps. How does Council want to move forward with <br />discussions with Alatus on the Term Sheet items to refine the numbers? <br />Councilmember Holden asked if Council could discuss the land sale in a closed session. She <br />said even if the land sale is for $1. She said before anyone negotiates, we need to decide what the <br />priorities are. <br />Kori Land said there are a lot of moving parts in the Term Sheet. One of the parts is the sale of <br />land. There is a separate document for the sale of the land. There is an offer for the sale of land <br />with the purchase price of $ 1. That is separate from the other terms. If Council wants to discuss <br />the sale of land, whether we want to buy it, use it as civic space, or amend the components of that <br />option agreement, Council can go to closed session to talk about that. The other components in <br />the Term Sheet are not part of that. <br />Mayor Grant said basically the answer is no to a closed session. Kori Land confirmed.