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<br />-;- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Extract of Minutes of Meeting <br />of Village Council of <br />Village of Arden Hills <br />Ramsey county, Minnesota <br />Held February 12. 1968 <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice tbereof the Village Council <br /> <br />of the Village of Arden Hills met in regular session at the <br /> <br />Village Hall on Monday, tbe 12tb day of February, 1968 at 8:00 <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />o'clock p.m. <br /> <br />'l'be follow1ng members were present: Bjorndabl, crepeau, <br /> <br />Olmen, Hollenborst and Henderson <br /> <br />and the following were absent: none <br /> <br />Councilman Crepeau introduced tbe following resolution and <br /> <br />moved its adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING El~GIl'iEERS PRELIMIi.-mRY <br />REPORT AIm PROVIDnJG FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON <br />WATER IMPROVEMENT NO. 68-1 <br /> <br />- BE IT RESOLVED by tbe Council of the Village of 1'rden Hills <br /> <br />as follows: <br /> <br />1. The Council bas heretofore directed Banister Engineering <br />Company, consulting engineers, 310 Snelling Avenue, Saint paul, <br />Minnesota, to prepare a preliminary report as to tbe feasibility <br />of a proposed :I.IIlprovement cons1sting of tbe construction of met:er <br />stations, feeder mains, lateral mains and appurtenances and <br />water services, and tbe estimaCed cost: thereof, and as to wbether <br />sucb improvement sbould best be made as proposed or in connection <br />witb SOllIe other improvement. 'l'be preliminary report and cost <br />estimate have been submitted by the engineers and considered by <br />tbe Council and are bereby approved and directed to be placed on <br />file in the office of tbe clerk. The improvement proposed to be <br />made in the general manner set fortb in the report is designated <br />as Water Improvement No. 68-1 <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />2. The Council sball meet at the Lake Johanna School, 3120 <br />Lake Jobanna Boulevard, in said village, on Marcb 19, 1968, at <br />8:00 o'clock p.m. for tbe purpose of holding a public bearing on <br />the propo_d improvement under and pursuant to tbe provisions of <br />Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and the clerk is bereby autbor- <br />1 zed and d1rected to cause notice of the time, place and purpose <br />of that meeting to be publisbed twice in tbe official newspaper, <br />New Brigbton Bulletin, wbicb publications shall be a week apart, <br />and the second publication shall be not than three days <br />before the date of the bearing. Pursuant to M.S. 429.031, Sub- <br />division 1, notice shall also be mailed to the owner of each <br />parcel within the area proposed to be assessed not less than 10 <br />days prior to such bearinq. <br /> <br />3. 'l'be notice sball be in substantially the following form: <br />