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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — OCTOBER 14, 2024 <br />Councilmember Monson said using the $395,000, if we wanted a 10% cushion that would be <br />$434,500. If we want to go down to 5% it would be $415,000. <br />Mayor Grant said knowing that $15,000 doesn't go very far, knowing we're building a fire <br />station, he would like to see the $435,000. <br />Councilmember Holden asked when we have to bond. <br />Finance Director Yang said it is May of 2025. <br />Councilmember Holden asked when we'll get the bid back. <br />Councilmember Monson said it should be sometime this spring. Before May, because that's <br />when they are hoping to start construction. <br />Councilmember Holden wondered if we bring in extra money, using the 5% or 10%, will we pay <br />down the debt, that year. Or would we hang on to it another year. Her intent is if people are <br />putting in money to pay for the fire station, we should use it to pay for the fire station that year. <br />Whatever we bring in, in a year, should go towards paying the bond in that year. She understands <br />we may be short one year but the interest savings would be significant. She wants to understand if <br />the money will be spent in the year it was collected. <br />Mayor Grant didn't think that decision needed to be made today. <br />Councilmember Holden said if we're going to hang on to the money, in case we are short one <br />year, she would prefer the 5%. But if the intent is to pay this down she would prefer the 10%. <br />Every year we don't have to pay, is more money we aren't paying towards interest. <br />Mayor Grant thinks the 10% option gives a little cushion in case it comes back too high, or if it <br />doesn't quite cover. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked if all the money collected in the year, if it were higher, would it <br />go towards the next year, if we were short. <br />Finance Director Yang said it would not. <br />Mayor Grant asked if a franchise fee could be structured for at 15-year period. <br />Mike Wilhelmi said you could adjust this to any length. The agreement is 20-years but the fee <br />agreement lives as long as you let it. If you just leave it alone it will be one rate for 20 years. If <br />you want to come back and adjust it, you have the ability to do that. <br />Mayor Grant said in our case, this is just for the fire department building. That's the only thing <br />we're spending these funds on. He can't speak to what future councils may do, but the intent of <br />this council is to use the money strictly for the fire station. <br />