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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION — OCTOBER 15, 2024 8 <br />Mayor Grant said that Councilmember Holden has said she is not available due to a surgery <br />that needs to take place so that's not an option. <br />Councilmember Monson said if we can't schedule the work sessions to have the discussions in a <br />timely manner, she would prefer the two JDA representatives negotiate with Bob Lux and then <br />come back to the Council with that information. She would rather do the work sessions but she <br />believes they have to be now. She thinks time is of the essence. <br />Councilmember Holden asked how time is of the essence within two weeks when the County <br />and the Developer don't even have an agreement yet. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said they are negotiating. <br />Councilmember Holden said yes, they are negotiating but that could take another six months. <br />Stacie Kvilvang doesn't think it will be six months. They are going back and forth between their <br />legal departments. The big things Bob Lux wants to know the planning fees. That's non- <br />negotiable at this point, the $1 million was decided. The civic site is the other big one. If Council <br />wishes to keep that or not. It is in there right now and if Council chooses to remove it later, that is <br />another discussion, but for right now we have it. <br />Councilmember Holden said the problem with the civic center was all the strings that were <br />going to be attached. The negotiators need to know that. There was a requirement for a YMCA <br />and it had to be built to look a certain way. <br />Stacie Kvilvang the YMCA is not a requirement and there was not that it had certain aesthetic <br />standards. It is the City's civic space. If the City decided not to keep it there was a buy-back <br />option because the County was giving that to the City for $1. <br />Mayor Grant said that was taken out. In the Term Sheet there was nothing saying the developer <br />gets it back. <br />Councilmember Holden said that's because he only gave us 2 years to build something and <br />we're just bonding for the water. <br />Stacie Kvilvang said the essence is if the City wants to keep it. Is it important and what does that <br />look like. <br />Mayor Grant remembers there were strings attached and he didn't sign the MOU. Then in 2022 <br />the MOU is created and it's referenced in the Term Sheet. There was nothing saying the <br />developer gets it back if it's not used. <br />Councilmember Monson supports holding the civic space. The exact use doesn't need to be <br />decided today. She supports keeping that in there and reviewing the options in the agreement and <br />make sure it looks good, doesn't have strings and we'll know the timeline so we can figure out <br />what to do with it. <br />Mayor Grant he thinks an inquiry to the City Attorney about whether it can be held by the EDA, <br />instead of the City. <br />