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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee – September 17, 2024 Page 3 <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson asked if Recreation Supervisor Johnson has an idea if the nature play structure <br />is made to look like wood, but it’s plastic. <br /> <br />Recreation Supervisor Johnson said they discussed that it would not be real wood. The fabricated <br />structures last longer. <br /> <br />Committee Member Jacobson said so it would look woodsy like a tree fort rather than the <br />traditional blue and red plastic. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson said she contacted Staff about Lindey’s Park. The county owns that. The county <br />is giving it back to the City but the City hasn’t accepted it yet. Any improvements will be on the <br />county, at this time. <br /> <br /> <br />B. Work Group Updates <br /> <br />Committee Member Johnson updated her project is to identify rain garden. The next step is to <br />put something in the newsletter. She worked with Committee Member Jacobson to create an <br />article that will be in the October newsletter. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson asked if the article provided tips for what kind of maintenance should be done in <br />October. <br /> <br />Committee Member Johnson said there is a link back to the rain garden page of the Arden Hills <br />website. She thought it would be a great idea to include that information. She wondered if it could <br />be added to that web page. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson reminded that she brought up several ideas at the last meeting. She received an <br />email from staff stating that there is no budget to support any of the ideas. Staff suggested reaching <br />out to the Arden Hills Foundation or local businesses for donations. She is not sure what next steps <br />should be. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson reminded the committee that The Discover Your Parks Passport would be a free <br />program for residents. It would encourage residents to visit all of the parks in town. There would <br />be a word or picture at each park and when residents complete the passport, they would turn it in <br />at City Hall and get a prize. The financial ask wouldn’t be very high for this idea. It could be <br />sponsored by a business and the prize could have the company name on it. The Economic <br />Development Committee (EDC) is contacting businesses. They could be a good resource for which <br />business might be interested in sponsoring the passport program. She thought that would be a good <br />project to start with for next year. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson emailed Arden Hills Greening to see if they are interested in partnering with <br />the City to put on an Earth Day Event in the spring. They would still need financial support. <br /> <br />Vice Chair Olson talked to Recreation Supervisor Johnson regarding a city-wide garage sale. <br />He thought the City’s sign ordinance wouldn’t allow signs to be up long enough to promote the <br />event. Signs need to be removed after 3 days. In order for an event like this to happen, we would <br />want participants to sign up in advance and the best way to get the word out would be signs. <br />