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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />FEBRUARY 28, 2005 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />A. City CouncillCitv Staff Retreat Overview <br /> <br />Mr. Prosser, Ehlers & Associates, gave an overview to the City Council regarding the City's <br />2005 Strategic Plan and the action steps needed to implement the document. <br /> <br />B. Resolution #05-25 Acceotinl! the TCAAP Framework Vision <br /> <br />Mr. Clark stated this item was completed by the TCAAP Master Planning Advisory Panel in <br />January, reviewed with a recommendation of approval by the Planning Commission on February <br />2, 2005 and tben reviewed by the Council on February 14, 2005. At the Council meeting, a <br />series of recommendations were made to relabel parts of the Framework Vision. Council <br />directed staff to place this item on the February 28,2005 agenda for action. The resolution to be <br />acted on by the Council contains the rationale and need for the City to bave an accepted <br />Framework Vision in order for the TCAAP process to continue. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski invited the public to comment. <br /> <br />David McClung, 4370 North Snelling Avenue, stated be had sent a letter to the Council <br />yesterday and he was here tonight to recommend tabling any acceptance of this framework plan. <br />He stated there were a lot of open questions, such as access issues. He believed there were a lot <br />of issues and wbile it was an interesting concept and appeared to fit tbe developable land, he <br />wanted the Council to look at all of the potential options in terms of developing this land. He <br />indicated the City had never been given any competing visions for this site. He stated there was <br />very little input from tbe Master Advisory panel and they only saw four options wbich were <br />relatively the same plan. He indicated he would like to see four totally different plans. He stated <br />he believed Council should be disappointed that they only bave one option. He noted this looked <br />like a plan and not a vision. He stated be did not see Council making any major changes to tbis <br />vision. He asked how the City would finance this and that there were very legitimate financial <br />risks to the City and the residents. He stated Council was not getting options and this was <br />important. He did not believe enough had been done communicating to the residents of the City <br />as to this development. He stated be did not have enough information to approve of this. He <br />indicated they needed to educate the public more and get more input from the public. He asked <br />tbem to bold this until they bad a further discussion regarding the public subsidization plan. <br /> <br />John Benson, 3329 Katie Lane, stated he was concerned about the subsidization by the public. <br />He noted if nothing was ever done with this property, it would not cost the City anything, but ifit <br />is developed, he believed tbe developers should handle all of the costs and reap all of the profits <br />and leave the City out of it. <br /> <br />Lyle Salmela, 1480 Arden Vista Court, stated he was a member of both the Master Plan Group <br />and Restoration Advisory Board. He stated he bad lived in tbe area for 31 years and indicated he <br />had worked in the environmental area for over 30 years and his experience told him that any <br />pollution on the TCAAP site was very manageable. He stated they could use this as a nationwide <br />