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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION MINUTES <br /> June 20, 2005 4 <br /> . <br /> Suzanne Florey, Christine Florey, and Nicole Holm representing the Mounds View High School <br /> chapter of the Peers Acting to Challenge (PACT) group gave the City Council a presentation on <br /> the ill-effects of smoking in City parks. The PACT group provided the City Council with a <br /> visual display of the cigarette buds that were picked up at local parks. The PACT group is <br /> sceking the support of the City Council by passing a policy that would not allow smoking within <br /> the Arden Hills park system. Similar policies have been passed by the Citics of New Brighton <br /> and Shoreview. <br /> Operations and Maintenance Director Tom Moore stated that thc PTRC passed a motion (5-0) <br /> that recommended a no-smoking ban be implemented by the City Council in the City parks. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski stated her opposition to a ban in open air because of the inability to enforcc <br /> and she also stated she was really opposed to the posting of signs in the parks and on the trails. <br /> She considers that sign pollution. <br /> Councilmember Holdcn asked how many signs would be posted and what is the additional cost <br /> to the City. <br /> Operations and Maintenance Dircctor Moore said that there are 100 signs available to the City at <br /> no cost. The City has sign posts in stock that could be used for these signs. The only City <br /> . cxpense would be for labor costs and sign posts. <br /> Councilmember Larson said that he supports a no-smoking ban in the parks. He also thanked the <br /> MVHS studcnts for their conunitrnent to the PACT project. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if the City could enforce the no-smoking policy at Tony Schmidt <br /> Park. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested that City staff procced with a draft no-smoking in the parks <br /> policy and bring it back to the City Council for further review at a later date. <br /> City staff will bring a draft policy back to the City Council at a later date. <br /> Update on the Lexin2ton Avenue Construetion Proieet Cost <br /> City Engineer Greg Brown provided the City Council with an overview of the Lexington Avenue <br /> project. In 2004, the City budgeted $115,000 from the Water Utility Fund and $185,000 for <br /> roadway construction, ROW Acquisition, and engineering expenses. Overall the project is <br /> expected to be $90,000 over budget. Possible cost savings to the City could be reducing the size <br /> of the proposed retaining walls along Lexington Avenue. <br /> City Administrator Michelle Wolfe said that City staff wants to inform the City Council that this <br /> . project will be over budget. The projected expenditures involving the ROW acquisition were <br /> underestimated. It is imperative that communication between the City and Ramsey County be <br /> improved in the future. <br /> 4 <br />